The CEO of Patari, Khalid Bajwa, who was already under investigation (according to the company’s statement) for harassment allegations has been asked to step down from his post. This development happened after a number of women took to Twitter to expose his behavioral misconduct over private conversations with them.


The Pakistani music startup’s CEO was forced to step down through an official statement that the company released following a slew of allegations on Twitter



These conversations reek not only of sexual harassment but also of abuse of the power that comes with the position that he was in


Zainab, one of the accusers, also goes ahead to show her conversation with Bajwa, and mind you, she says she was just 17 at the time


Zainab was joined by Mehr, who was one of the first voices to come forward. She also pointed out the discomfort Bajwa caused with his conversation and interaction

Via: Twitter


She went on to mention how he would practically harass her to give in to his demands

Via: Twitter
Via: Twitter

The predator targeted women younger than him, in an impressionable age mostly where they do not know better about how to conduct themselves in these situations. Just because a woman is giving consent to talking to you, no matter what age, does not mean that you abuse that position and coerce her into giving in to your demands, especially not because you have a certain position because of who you are at your job.


These tweets prompted a lot of people to express their disgust at the actions of the Patari CEO


Patari, the company, was quick to take action against their CEO in this regard and gave their official statement that he has been asked to step down


However, a question that many seem to be asking in regard to this is whether he will be asked to leave the company altogether

This is what international #MeToo campaigns have been able to achieve. Harvey Weinstein’s career is over by now. Will we see the same intensity of reaction here in Pakistan as well to ensure that such predators can no longer exploit women?

That is a question left for the company to answer.


People have also started targeting the female employees of Patari, accusing them of facilitating their boss with his activities

In these cases, people should refrain from accusing other individuals – especially females – for the behaviour of a man who is solely responsible for what he did.

The level of courage shown by these women is prompting other women to take action as well and show the power of social media, which urges people to take swift action in this regard.

This incident in particular highlights some important aspects

  1. The connectivity of the internet allows women to now join global movements and give them the courage to stand up for themselves
  2. This will set a precedent that gone are the days where exploitation could not be reported or taken action against.
  3. Internet allows swift action, which we have seen in Patari’s case and it is definitely something they must be commended for.

This will serve as a lesson for those who misuse their position and constantly harass women into giving in to their demands.


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