A student was allegedly beaten to death by his teacher yet again

Hafiz Hunain Bilal, a 17-year-old student at American Lycetuff School in Lahore was allegedly physically tortured and killed in school by his teacher for not learning a lesson properly.


Someone who claimed to be his cousin shared how the young boy was beaten to death by his teacher, Kamran Hashmi


The other students in Hunain’s class tried to intervene but by then it was too late


This tragedy has the nation outraged and condolences are pouring in for the victim’s family



The Minister of Education for Punjab, Dr. Murad Raas, has taken note about this incident

He has apparently launched an investigation and will be filing charges against the accused.



People are calling into question the practice of corporal punishment in schools in Pakistan and want this to stop before more students are beaten to death like Hunain


Everyone is questioning where we’re headed as a society and are demanding justice

Corporal punishment in schools is a real problem in this country. Some teachers feel as though their position as a teacher gives them the power to do whatever they want with their students. This kind of abuse of power is exactly what led to birth of campaigns like #MeToo and #TimesUp.

Teachers are meant to be secondary parents, mentors, our role models and people who help us grow. When we put them on the pedestal of ustaad, we expect that they live up to that honor. But the culture of schools and teachers has become appalling. Beating is a norm in many schools and any teacher who beats their students has absolutely no right to call themselves a teacher. Schools need to have a very strict no-tolerance policy for abuse and the Government needs to take note and protect the children of this nation. As someone who hopes to one day join the teaching profession, I am deeply saddened and ashamed at the kind of people who are like this “teacher” was.


According to latest updates, the teacher has been arrested and charges have been filed against him.

Can’t even imagine how ruthless someone, much less a teacher, must be to have beaten to death one of their students. We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Hafiz Hunain Bilal. Rest in peace, dear Hunain.


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