We’ve all been witness to the meteoric rise of Dananeer of the pawri ho rai hai fame. This Pakistani Instagram influencer’s famous dialogue grasped the attention of many who just fell in love with the accent of the pawri girl. While people praised the girl for her video by meme-ing it out, there are now some who are pointing out that Dananeer may have been inspired by someone else.

Instagram influencer Dananeer became a bonafide social media star recently after her pawri ho rai hai video went viral

People all over South Asia have become obsessed with the pawri video, with celebrities in particular can’t getting enough of their recreations

The original video had instantly become a viral meme in Pakistan but then Indian musician Yashraj Mukhate turned it into a very, very catchy song and the rest, as they say, is one for the books.

Now, some people are pointing out how the Dananeer version of pawri ho rai hai may not actually be the original and we’re very intrigued

Quite a few folks, including Pakistan’s biggest TikTok star Jannat Mirza pointed out that Tasbeel Gillani, another Instagram influencer, was probably the one who inspired Dananeer and her pawri ho rai hai video

In fact, Tasbeel, the alleged ‘real’ pawri  girl highlighted these stories on her Instagram

So naturally, we checked out this alleged “original” pawri video and found something interesting

While Dananeer’s now-famous video was posted on February 6, Tasbeel’s video was posted on her page on January 30.

Not only that, Dananeer seems to have commented on that video about posting a video of hers on her main which she could be referring to the pawri ho rai hai one

And Tasbeel has responded recently telling her it was the “BEST DECISION EVERRRR” so it does seem to be further proof of the reference being to the now-famous video.

After this revelation came to light on social media, Tasbeel Gillani, the alleged “original” pawri girl, addressed the issue by saying that people should not blow things out of proportion by creating drama out of ‘nothing’

In Tasbeel’s words,” I have seen a lot of pages posting this to create a controversy but honestly agar mene pehlay bhe post kiya, woh viral hona hota tau ho jata.” She further said that she is not the owner of these words or these words are not from a famous writer so anyone can use them. She concluded it by saying, ” Do not create a drama out of everything.”

So it’s safe to assume, that whoever posted it first, everyone’s having a good ol’ pawri with the video. What do you think about this? Sound off in the comments below.