Pepsi Black is going to help launch the career of the next big Pakistani rapper

Pepsi is doing the most when it comes to reviving the music scene in Pakistan. While they have successfully helped launch the careers of several bands through Pepsi Battle of the Bands, they are now looking at a completely different genre of music which is often ignored in the Pakistani mainstream i.e. rap.


The next big Pakistani rapper is waiting to be found and Pepsi Black is here to make sure that happens

Source: Pepsi Pakistan

With the resources and pull the brand has, they partnered with iconic rap duo Young Stunners, to help a local rapper achieve stardom and become a household name.


And to do so, Pepsi Black has launched a competition for every young Pakistani rapper to submit entries of themselves rapping

In only 12 days, over 170 entries were received from which 7 talented rappers were shortlisted and have moved on to the next round of the competition.

Just the sheer amount of entries in such a short amount of time proves that there is no shortage of talented rappers in the country. In fact, it shows how many people are interested in the genre itself. And Pepsi is doing everything that it can to help bring this usually underground genre to everyone’s television screens and give it much more exposure than it is used to.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan


They have already shortlisted 7 amazingly talented rappers and their fate depends on you

It’s up to the audience to decide who deserves a chance to become Pakistan’s next big rap star! The brand has uploaded the videos on the Facebook page and the video that has the most likes and interactions within the next 10 days will automatically win. #PepsiRapBattle

You can get a small taste of what these rappers can do with the video above. The video features Sami Amiri, Hashim Nawaz, Waleed Ahmed, Taha G, Zaryab Qasmani, Aqeel Sarfaraz and Muhammad Ahsan.


Here’s a glimpse into these shortlisted sensational Pakistani rappers 








Make sure you go to Pepsi’s Facebook page and vote for the Pakistani rapper you liked the best because the prize is insanely awesome!

The winner will receive a prize of PKR 1,000,000 to produce their own rap music video in collaboration with Pepsi Black.

And that’s where you come in! These greatly talented musicians are relying on you to achieve their dreams of starting their professional rap careers! So what are you waiting for? Go check out the ridiculously gifted musicians spit some bars in their videos on the Pepsi Pakistan Facebook page and like the videos to help them win!

You can watch the entire video about the #PepsiRapBattle below:



This post has been sponsored by Pepsi Black