PM Imran Khan has ended the lockdown in Pakistan. RIP everyone

It was inevitable. With grand speeches about how his heart bleeds for the poor, everyone saw it coming. Sadly, despite the speeches about his concern for the poor, there hasn’t been much action taken to help them in these very trying times. Definitely makes one wonder if his concern is only limited to speeches.


Prime Minister Imran Khan just announced that the lockdown is ending in Pakistan, starting from Saturday

In his address to the nation, PM Khan announced the decisions taken in the National Coordination Committee (NCC) regarding the coronavirus lockdowns and other important factors. It was announced that the lockdown is being lifted from Saturday onward in a phased manner.

According to Imran Khan, this decision was taken because “our poor people are suffering”.



PM Imran Khan announced that the lockdown is ending in Pakistan because now it is the people’s own responsibility to stay safe

According to PM Khan, the success of the next phase depends on people’s own responsible actions and following proper guidelines in order to stay safe from the coronavirus. He also mentioned that the lockdown could be enforced again if people don’t act responsibly and the number of cases spikes again.



This decision by PM Imran Khan regarding ending the lockdown comes on the same day Punjab and Sindh have recorded their highest single day deaths

According the Chief Minister of Sindh Murad Ali Shah, the percentage of deaths is currently at 1.9 percent but he pleaded that “we are losing precious lives and we can control it if we all observe standard operating procedures and guidelines of experts.”

In Punjab, a total of 26 deaths due to coronavirus have been officially reported in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of deaths ever recorded on a single day due to coronavirus in Pakistan, so far.

Source: Danish Siddiqui / Reuters


While PM Imran Khan announced that lockdown is ending in Pakistan, other Muslims countries are taking stricter measures to prevent people from going outside during Ramazan

Egypt has extended a curfew that it had already issued at night time to prevent people from going out. The curfew has been extended till the end of Ramazan, for now.

Saudi Arabia has formed a police unit to monitor its population and hold accountable those who are violating its ban on gatherings, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

Source: Getty Images

With the total number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan standing at more than 24,000 with the last two days successively recording the highest ever increase in the number of cases in the country, it is even more important that despite the end of the lockdown people take charge of their own health.

Since authorities are basically shunning any responsibility to prevent further deaths and hospitals in Karachi and Lahore are already at almost maximum capacity, the next few weeks are going to be extremely challenging and it is important that you stay home, stay safe and save your and your loved ones’ lives.


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Cover image via: AFP / Sultan Mehmood via Reuters