Premenstrual syndrome or what is more commonly known as PMS is incredibly misunderstood.
A lot of people assume PMS is when a woman is on her period. No, I wish. PMS rears its ugly head BEFORE your period. It is a foreshadowing for the bloody mess your life will be when you are menstruating. Yep.
During PMS your hormones are going a little cray cray. And while things may get a little emotional, women are completely well equipped to do their jobs and go about life just like normal. While emotions run high at times, when it comes to being serious, we women pull up our socks and are ready to do what needs to be done.
I mean, apart from making the sexist ‘are you PMSing’ joke? ‘ have you ever really known a woman who was PMSing? Nope. And that is because we never let our actual mental and physical state of agony slip.
But when I am PMSing in the comfort and privacy of my own home, there are a lot of things that seem innocuous but leave me a crying MESS. So here is a list I compiled of things that did this to me recently.
1. My Cat’s Toe Beans
2. Never Being Able To Be A Drag Queen
I blame Ru Paul for this one. I got emotional watching Ru Paul’s drag race knowing I could never be on that show.
3. Ran Out Of Noodles
Do I like noodles? Yes. Did I cry because we ran out? yes. Was I being dramatic? Also yes.
4. John Mayer’s Instagram
5. Ruining My Latte Art
I couldn’t even take a picture for my Instagram, UGH.
6. I Couldn’t Find The Second Sock To My Pair
Do I have other socks? Yes. Did I care that it wasn’t a big deal? No.
7. A Video Of A Baby Harp Seal
He was crying for his MOM! Watch the video and tell me you didn’t weep either.
8. My Friend’s Name On My Phone
I talk to my friend all the time, but seeing her name on my phone made me remember how she’s always been there for me and just… cry.
9. My Little Brother’s Face
When did he turn 18 and get facial hair? Why is he growing up so fast? WHAT GAVE HIM THE RIGHT!
10. A Pimple
Another one of PMS’s gifts are pimples, and boy like I already didn’t have enough to deal with.
11. The Price For A Shirt
Well tbh, this would make me cry even if I wasn’t going through PMS.
12. The Cheese In My Omlete Not Melting
You have ONE job cheese! Why must you test me like this!?
13. Meghan Markle’s Pregnancy
And her wedding too, tbh
Princess Diana would be so happy, can you imagine?!
14. Cramps
Okay, let’s be real. This is not a dumb one but a GENUINE one.
15. A Comment My Mom Made 7 Years Ago
I’m sorry you got a failure instead of the daughter you wanted. I AM SORRY.
What is the dumbest thing you cried about during PMS? Let us know in the comments.