This politician from Karachi has got to be the most bizarre candidate ever

With the General Election fast approaching in Pakistan, candidates are gearing up and doing everything they can to get attention. And this politician from Karachi – independent candidate, Ayaz Memon Motiwala – has stepped up his game like no other.

Initially, he posed in sewage water. But somehow he didn’t think it was enough and decided to step up his game even further.

And now, he posted pictures of himself lying in a garbage dump.

And this isn’t a new hobby he’s picked up but something he’s been doing for years.

That is some dedication.

Va Tenor

About a year ago he stood inside a manhole. Yes, a MANHOLE.

Here he is casually sitting inside a water storage place.

But he did it to show everyone how dirty the water supply is.

A man with a mission.

Some nonchalant posing shosing in a dumpster.

Whatever his political inclinations are, his enthusiasm for the country seems infectious.

What will he do next? I guess we’ll know in some time. Till then, what do you guys think about him?

This Political Candidate In Karachi Is Literally Laying In The Sewage To Get Votes And No One Is Buying It

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