Abida Parveen ne lockdown ko chaar chand laga diye

Every day, we come across some celebrity doing a live session on Instagram. With everybody pretty much quarantined nowadays, this might be a great idea to interact with the bored-out-of-their-minds fans. So our beloved Abida Parveen also jumped on the bandwagon and has her first Instagram live.


The queen of sufi music Abida Parveen did her first Instagram live concert in the lockdown

Faisal Kapadia of Strings, on whose Instagram live session this impromptu concert happened, got all excited on Abida Parveen’s rendition of ”Ranjish hi sahi.’‘ Whoever convinced who for this live concert, we are just so grateful.



Faisal also blessed the world with a video of an Abida Parveen performance from her younger days and revived us all during lockdown

Could this live concert get any better?


Abida jee also talked about her journey and her style sense from back in the day

These little snippets are absolute gold I swear!


People got so much emotional after watching queen Abida Parveen live in concert during this lockdown

Did I mention the goosebumps? MAN ABIDA JEE.



Honestly, it’s so great for these music giants to be helping pass the time for those privileged enough to have access to the internet. Can you imagine, a free ka Abida Parveen concert right from the comfort of your couch? One would never have thought of this being possible before. Faisal Kapadia’s reaction on listening Ranjish hi sahi, definitely mirrored ours. Abida Parveen’s soulful voice was definitely what we all needed in these hard times. Abida jee, we won’t mind watching more of these in the future.

So, did you guys watch the live concert? How did you like it? Also, remember to stay safe, stay inside and stay away from each other. Good luck, you guys. Here’s hoping we all see each other (and Abida jee) in person again real soon.


Cover image via pakpedia.pk /@MuzamilSheikhh via Twitter