Sadaf Kanwal’s latest interview and her views about feminism have taken the internet by storm. While her interview has managed to cause quite a stir, this definitely is not the first time Sadaf Kanwal has been under fire for her problematic statements.

Sadaf Kanwal, in an interview, has reduced the meaning of feminism to household chores & taking care of one’s “miyan”.

While sitting in an interview with her husband Shahroz Sabswari, Sadaf Kanwal resorted to calling feminism a product of “liberalism” and expressed that she believed our culture revolves around husbands.

The internet did not take kindly to Sadaf’s regressive remarks and the netizens were quick to criticize her.

People were quick to respond to Sadaf’s statements and call her out on her problematic statements.

People have been dragging Sadaf Kanwal for a whole lot of reasons

Sadaf’s statement on “jootay and kapray” was an absolute favorite for memes!

Then, the ‘Sherry’ jokes started pouring in.

Sherry’s shoes definitely took the crown for being joked about the most

Sherry’s clothes weren’t far behind either when it came to memes and jokes!

However, the strange mixture of comments by Sadaf Kanwal just didn’t sit well with people and the jokes kept on coming

Okay, this one takes the crown for being the funniest!

While Sadaf Kanwal remained in the limelight, people did not forget the man-babies applauding her either

Quite a number of men have taken to the internet to applaud Sadaf for her statements which, pretty much, sum up the role of a woman as a caretaker of the husband.


GIven how everything transpired, is it not high time that celebrities and influencers tread carefully with their words when it comes to sensitive issues? Anyway, what do you think of Sadaf’s statements? Have something to add? Sound off in the comments section below.


Model Sadaf Kanwal’s Shockingly Pathetic Comments About Sexual Harassment Have Triggered Feminists, Rightfully

Cover image via @sadafkanwal/Twitter & @cultural.popriation/ Twitter