This secret Facebook group war is SO ENTERTAINING. So before we get down to the dirty details, take a seat. Get a glass of water (because you’re going to need it), keep a tissue handy and get ready to ROFL.
Pakistani women had been naming and shaming desi fuckbois in a secret Facebook group until things just went to THE NEXT LEVEL
Let’s just say shit hit the fan when a very secret (the fact that they named it “All Gucci”) group got hacked and all everyone could talk about was: WHAT HAPPENED TO GUCCI? When I looked at several such posts on my timeline, I thought Gucci maybe pulled off a Sana Safinaz but HAHAHA, little did I know.
Turns out this Gucci Gang (this is my name for thr group but they should’ve named it this, tbh) was exposing fuckbois of the highest order
As established earlier on, there was no discussion about high-end designer clothes, bags, and shoes. The group was literally a response to men being misogynistic jerks, who had no sense of decency. Most men on dating applications like Tinder who had lied about themselves, their lives and played around with girls were the targets.
The purpose of the group was to make other girls aware of the boys and steer clear of them.
Pictures were posted, names were discussed, and most important of all unki harkatain were exposed for everyone to read.
It seems to have started with a p*ussy-grabbing Mr. Khokhar. Mr. Khokhar was described as a liar; he lied about his whereabouts, took some pictures from girls and cut ties. But, wait for the big shocker. He was also said to have performed oral sex on many of his dates in the most public of places, without their consent. This, for obvious reasons, enraged many young women when it was posted anonymously on another group on Facebook. The post warned other girls of the guy’s lies, stunts and advised them to stay away. Unaware of how this could massively backfire, a group of girls created the secret “All Gucci” group and that’s when shit went down.
It was the cool group, everyone wanted to be a part of it. Everyone wanted to see the scandals, the drama, and the allegations.
A member who shall remain anonymous described the anticipation to join the group in the following words:
“No new members will be added because of existing snitches. Its just a precautionary measure to stay low for a few days because they are reporting details to those fuckboys every damn minute.”
Oh, you thought that was extra? LOL wait for it
There is rumored to be a Google Doc containing a list of fuckbois’ names aur unki pyaari, commendable harkatain (sarcasm hai pls easy rahain) and relevant details. Yep, that happened.
Pictures were posted along with names. These boys were unfaithful, some rapists and some just regular old misogynistic jerks. These gals weren’t playing; they were building a proper fuckboi database.
So while that was going on, men of Pakistan retaliated with a group of their own to clapback
Pathar ka jawab eent se! Obviously, screenshots of the All Gucci group circulated and men came up with a revenge of their own. They did pretty much the same. Pictures and information on greedy, gold-digging women were posted and men were added to a Gold Diggers: Exposed group. Their actions and behaviors were condemned and called out, women were named and shamed.
But interestingly, our sources in the men’s Gold Diggers: Exposed group say things are pretty calm down there with the admins trying to make this a “support group” of sorts for men and not to stoop down to this just being a group for “exposing women”.
And then the women’s secret Facebook group got hacked and… OH, THE DRAMA
Women went wild on other Facebook groups about how their All Gucci Gang was over.
Apparently, a man had hacked into an admin’s account and taken over the group.
We strongly suspect that this move was sponsored by one of the boys exposed on the group, but oh, whatever.
The group’s deleted now – we can’t say the same about the Gold Diggers: Exposed group though. We hear it still lurks on Facebook with men allegedly posting private information about many women. Let’s hope it gets hacked too.
We also hear that the admin of the men’s group tried to burn the women’s group after the hacking and got a pretty savage response in return
The gist of the drama is very finely captured in this tweet
Jokes aside, it’s really not the best idea to use peoples’ photos that they’ve posted privately and spread them on the internet
This is serious stuff. It’s cyberbullying at the end of the day, even if to expose moron men and greedy women. Peoples lives can be at risk if you leak their personal information that can identify them out on the internet, a million things can happen. Exposing individuals for their actions (bad or very bad) is very much like the “Karachi/Lahore Lucas” trend all over again.
Facebook has become a very important tool for voicing out our opinions – let’s just use it responsibly. People mostly believe what they read, example: Mashal Khan, and we all know how that turned out. All we want to say is that there are other platforms to pursue your case if you are a victim.