Unless you’ve been living under a rock, the news of Shahbaz Taseer’s return following a 5 year long abduction must have reached you.

As people flocked to Twitter and Facebook to express their jubilation, we decided to cook up a small rundown for Shahbaz about how the world has changed in the last 5 years.

1. Pakistan has fast internet on the phones.

Thanks to 3G and 4G.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio finally got an Oscar.

After what seemed like an eternity for Leo, the much-deserving actor of The Revenant finally clinched his first ever Oscar. Pakistani professors were overjoyed and bureaucrats celebrated with holidays and tea parties.

Source: Tumblr

3. Speaking of Oscars, Pakistan has also bagged two Oscars all thanks to film-maker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy.

Source: Wikipedia

4. Pakistanis were gripped with the fever of Naya Pakistan but soon they were over it.

While you were away, Imran Khan led a dharna in the Capital for 4 months straight. Rumor is that Naya Pakistan does exist somewhere toward the North of the country.

5. While we are talking about Imran, he also got married again. And divorced again.

Imran Khan finally moved on from Jemima Khan and got married to Reham Khan, a former BBC reporter. Unfortunately, that too fizzled out like the dharna fever.

6. We now have 360-degree videos.

Created using multiple videos from two or more wide-angle lenses stitched together, 360-degree videos let you experience a live panorama!

Source: Knody

7. Virtual Reality is a reality. Kind of.

Taking the 360 degree video a notch up, VR has finally arrived for consumer-focused products and is the latest trend to hit the world of Tech.

8. Pakistan has public transport now.

Or more like Punjab has public transport now. Still, we now have Metro Bus which mostly doubles as a pick and drop facility for Pindi boys travelling to Centaurus.

9. The guy who owns the Miss Universe show is running for President in the United States

With Donald Trump running, many(okay, it’s everybody) believe it’s part of a global social experiment to determine how dumb people can really be.

10. The youngest Nobel Laureate is an 18-year old Pakistani.

Source: Yahoo


11. Humans of New York (HONY) turned into a photography marvel, went global, came to Pakistan and helped raise $1.2 million to end bonded labor.

Source: Humans of New York


12. Same sex marriage was legalized in the US but Pakistan seemed to be the country most affected.

As per the 993,894,489 inconsequential keyboard warriors waging wars on Facebook.

13. Black Friday was a big failure… or a big hit. If you’re into that kind of thing.

It all depends on the way you look at it.

14. Hamza Ali Abbasi formally entered Pakistani politics through Facebook rants.

15. More than half the restaurants in Lahore were closed following Ayesha Mumtaz’s food raids.

She even ventured out to other cities. And the Ayesha certification for restaurants is a very important factor, now.

16. Asif and Mudassir reached a truce after ending their friendship last year.

17. People for some reason are expected to keep up with the Kardashians.

The star child being Kim K who used to be Paris Hilton’s sidekick.

18. Your wife is a FABULOUS designer, now.

And finally…

19. There was no apocalypse and the world did not end on 21st December 2012.

Nor in 2015.

In a nutshell, the world went through some pretty great and not so great changes while you were away, Shahbaz.
Now that you’re back, there’s one last important piece of information you should know about…


Zarra ye bhee check karein:

Pakistan Melted Into Absolute Chaos After Imran Khan and Reham Khan Announced their Divorce

If You’re Upset About Sharmeen Not Showing “Positive Side” of Pakistan, You Should Watch This