Meet the Samyang 2x Nuclear Noodles
These are supposedly among some of the spiciest ramen noodles in the world and are not for the weak hearted because they pack quite a spicy punch to your taste palette.
Now, it’s one thing to make a claim and another thing for that claim to be valid. We see this practiced in marketing so often that it’s sometimes hard to believe what’s true and what isn’t. While it’s hard to determine if this is the spiciest ramen noodle on the planet, a simple Amazon search reveals that it is most definitely really bloody spicy
Is this why it’s not only the spiciest ramen noodles in Lahore but also the world?
lol, jk.
Anyhow, this seemed like something fun (read: something diabolical to do to your co-workers) so I tried finding a place in Lahore that would serve these noodles. It’s wasn’t super easy, but your girl was on a mission and eventually found it at Aqua Bistro which is a bistro and spa located near Hussain Chowk in the city (you can check it out on Hungerist to see where it is exactly). Turns out, Aqua Bistro imports many Korean items – in other words, it’s a shrine to K-Pop. Interesting place.
As established before, they noodles are super, super hot. You might be thinking, “I’m Pakistani, I’m used to eating spicy food.” Trust me, this isn’t an easy challenge and you’d be mistaken for underestimating the potency of these spices; someone rightfully remarked it as “hell on a plate with a sesame seed garnish”. It wasn’t just because of how it looked but also because you could smell the insane amount of spice in this thing.
Uhm, we also got these coco shakes to wash down the burn 🔥
The smile on Salman’s face didn’t last for too long…
Here are the victims of the fiery ramen noodles
First up, we have Yasser. You might recognize him from several MangoBaaz videos.
His mouth, understandably, was on fire. THE SPICE HIT HIM HARD. Here’s more video documentation of his torture.
Next up we have Salman.
He wasn’t too pleased with the noodles after his first bite. Here’s him ranting about how these noodles could have possibly been made:
Next, we had Urfa from our team engage in a competition with Ali Gul to see who could eat more spicy noodles.
Clearly, Urfa didn’t know what she was getting in to. Meanwhile, Salman thought running around would help deal with the nuclear explosion in his mouth. In case you’re wondering, it didn’t.
By this time it was obvious Urfa hated Ali
Inspired by Ali Gul’s courage, Salman decided to have some more noodles (it wasn’t easy).
But eventually, the spice finally caught up to Ali Gul
And you can tell from the sound that Salman was very happy to see Ali Gul in misery.
So, whether these are the spiciest ramen noodles in the world, we don’t know. But these are definitely the spiciest noodles we’ve had in Lahore. We heard a brave woman finished her plate in a mind-boggling 20 seconds. That could also be you! If you think you can take on this challenge, head over to Aqua Bistro and put your mouth to the test.
Let us know if you have any other crazy foods and drinks for us to try out in Lahore and Karachi, and we will definitely go there to check it out.