Remember those childhood days when the greatest of all wishes was to break free from the caged life you had as students? Those were the days when studies seemed like the greatest burden and teachers were the most evil human beings alive. Well, guess what? Once you become what is known as an adult who enters their “practical life”, you’ll actually regret loathing the student life and an inner voice will definitely be saying “give me some sunshine, give me some rain, give me another chance, i wanna grow up once again”.
So, for all of you graduating out of your student days this year, here are some of the things we know you’ll definitely miss(because we sure do):
1. Making elaborate schemes for bunking classes with friends
Then getting caught and having your parents come to school for meetings with the principal.
2. And then going on random post-bunk ‘nashta’ outings
Halwa puri after bunking your classes just tastes better for some reason.
3. The most random plans that start from two friends sitting in someone’s room in Lahore and end with 12 of you in Nathiagali
You’ll miss having the luxury of free time where the simplest of hangouts become roaring parties.
4. When you did occasionally attend class, marking attendance for your friends
And ignoring the instructors’ threats to cancel the attendance for the whole class.
5. Irritating your professors and being mean to them
Yeah, try being mean to a boss and we’ll see if they let you in to work the next day.
6. Dancing to all the tharki-est songs in the world with your friends
You’ll miss being careless about everyone around you as you dance while Munni is getting badnaam.
7. Passing notes to your friends
You can only do note passing in class, even if you have Whatsapps and Vibers and Kiks and whatnot. Jo mazza note passing mein hai woh aur kisi mein nahi.
8. Cheating
The unity during the exams or quizzes will never be displayed again, sadly.
9. Always considering morning classes as optional
If you had an 8 am class, you’ll try if you can wake up. But if you couldn’t, you’d think it was okay
10. Trying to disturb a really old professor’s classes by making weird noise
Making weird sounds during an intense lecture is the right of passage for every college student
11. Staying up all night for exams, or assignments, or just about anything
Pulling an all-nighter before the exam is what college is all about, right?
12. The forced treats and muftaas
If a friend got one more mark, it meant a treat was due. If only “practical” life was like that too.
13. Going up North
The trips with your jiggars and all the excursions don’t have the same charm with work colleagues.
14. Never paying attention to in-class lectures
And then copying assignments from your friends.
15. Playing antakshari, or card games
Hanging out in the university cafe with the greasy food and ending up playing antakshari was the perfect day at college.
16. Using these on your friends for their birthday celebrations
17. Making your friends laugh while they delivered their presentations
18. Taking hours every morning to get read
Kyunki university parhnay nahi opposite sex ko impress karnay jatay hain.
19. Drinking the best chai in the world at your college canteens
You’d kill for a cup of chai that only the chacha of your college canteen can make.
20. Living through the emotional pain of becoming kaala from all the harsh sun in your college grounds
Keeping a stock of sun-blocks and a list of home remedies to get rid of the evil tan was your weekly routine.
21. The never talked, but extremely fierce, about competition to score the highest
While you may say you don’t care, deep down you always did. And now you miss the competition.
22. Sleeping in class through the lectures
Kyunki us jaisi mazay ki neend nahi koi.
23. Being the biggest supporters of your college sports teams during tournaments
You may have the least interest in basketball, especially female one, but come a tournament with another college you had to show how your team has better supporters.
24. Taking selfies at every outing, event or randomly in class
That’s how you preserve memories, after all.
25. All the poondi
26. Your professors, teachers and mentors
They gave you the treasure of knowledge and wisdom. It’s thanks to them that you will be graduating with qualities like confidence, good speaking skills and thinking out of the box engraved in your personalities.
27. The after-getting-free-from-exams wali khushi and the celebration that followed
28. Waiting for results
And then crying to your professors for every single mark for an A grade.
And above all…
29. Your friends
Going to a class full of friends who were always there in times of need. No matter what, these people always had your back and now they are your second family for life.
What are you going to miss about college?
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