COMSATS Islamabad students are protesting the management’s inhumanity


On Friday, a BBA student from COMSATS Islamabad died of cardiac arrest

Fellow students have accused the university of negligence and they hold the administration responsible for the student’s untimely death.


Allegedly, no ambulance was provided to the student from the university even when he asked for it 

His friend’s car was also stopped from entering and Inam lost his life because he wasn’t taken to the hospital in time.


Some students said that when they asked teachers for help they were shown indifference from the faculty

Apparently when asked to help, a teacher responded by saying ‘it’s none of their concern’.


People think that it’s ridiculous that rules have to be followed even when someone is dying

Really, what’s more important than someone’s life? It’s absurd that just for the sake of abiding a few rules, the university administration let a young life be lost.


Many students all over COMSATS came out to protest

The fact that a university does not provide its students with basic medical needs topped with the negligence shown by the administration really calls for reform and the students of COMSATS took upon themselves to call for it.


They’re angry that they are paying a hefty fee and yet they are not given the best facilities

This incident is causing a lot of frustration among students because even though the university asks for a huge fees, it still fails in delivering proper medical care- a basic need in every institution.


People want those responsible for Inam’s death to be held accountable

#JusticeForInam was used as people vocalized their thoughts on the matter. A student dying on school premises is a big deal and someone needs to answer for it.


Some even demanded the rector’s resignation

After all, responsibility lies with the person in charge to make sure all operations in the university go smoothly. Such a catastrophe is a sign of weak leadership and poor policies.


We are deeply saddened by Inam’s death and we pray that he gets the justice he deserves. Educational institutions should be a safe place for the Pakistani youth to gain knowledge and make the country proud. Incidents like these are extremely discouraging and need to be prevented at all cost.


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Cover image Via: COMSATS via Facebook /