Tapal Tea knows that in the wake of Covid-19, we need to be responsible more than we have ever been before.

In the wake of Covid-19, times are still tough and a lot of households have found themselves without the bare essentials. A lot of NGOs have stepped up their efforts to provide ration bags for those in need. Tapal realizes the brilliant work these NGOs are doing and wanted to make an effort on their part as well.


Tapal has partnered with several NGOs which are providing ration bags to the deserving so that hope and chai never stop brewing in homes across the country

Source: Tapal

So far they’ve partnered with Saylani, Akhuwat, Shahid Afridi Foundation, Khubaib Foundation, Robinhood Army and Hamdard.

Every ration bag that these organizations provide daily wage workers and others who are deserving will have a Tapal Tea inside. The company is also offering discounts on their products to everyone; from the distributors to the consumers.


We know chai is a very important part of our culture and everyone in the country no matter their socio-economic status enjoys the hot beverage

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But in times as tough as these, even something like chai could be considered a luxury for some hence the pledge made to provide Tapal Tea free of cost in ration bags might mean a lot to some who have had to cut back on their chai drinking!

Apart from this, the company knows that tough times mean that they have to care for their own as well. They are making sure all the staff at their company is provided with masks, gloves and daily thermal testing of their body temperature. On top of that, to make sure their staff and workers are not over-burdened during these trying times, the company is ensuring that they provide all workers with ration bags as well to reduce the economic burden they may be carrying on their shoulders.

Source: Tapal

These are tough times for everyone around the world, and it is heartening to see major corporations trying to reduce the burden on those it has fallen the heaviest on.



Cover Image Source: Tapal

This post has been made in partnership with Tapal