Priyanka Chopra gave a pathetic response and she’s being dragged so hard

Priyanka Chopra is a woman with many laurels to her name. She’s a former Miss World winner, an award-winning actress, singer and producer along with being one of the highest-paid celebrities worldwide. Priyanka is also a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN which would typically mean she is an advocate for peace..except the actress’s recent actions show that she is anything but neutral about war.


Priyanka Chopra gave a pathetic response after being asked a question over her war mongering recently

Priyanka had tweeted in support of India’s “strike” in Pakistan (which turned out to be fake, lol) and she was called a hypcorite for being a UN Peace Ambassador and yet praising an act of war. Consequently, this pro-war rhetoric is what led Pakistani-American woman, Ayesha Malik to speak out against Chopra during a question and answer session at  Beauty Con, LA.

She pointed out how Chopra’s tweets were a direct inverse of the behavior she should exhibit as an ambassador for peace for the UN. Ayesha’s objection to Chopra’s hypocritical behavior was cut short as security guards came and grabbed the mic out of her hands. None the less, she unfalteringly continued speaking out her truth.

In response to Malik’s statement, Priyanka decided to go the patronizing route and started off with saying “Whenever you’re done venting…got it, done?” Ok, cool”.


While speaking to MangoBaaz, Ayesha revealed that her question, unlike those accusing her, was in fact not pre-planned but rather a spur of the moment impulse which arose when she heard Priyanka talking about “loving your neighbors”.


As a woman who advocates for having women’s voices heard, it’s definitely very disrespectful for Priyanka to dismiss Malik’s concerns regarding Chopra’s role in instigating nuclear war and play off the whole thing as a mindless rant, instead.

Priyanka then launched into her response by saying,”so, I have many, many friends from Pakistan and I am from India, and war is not something that I am really fond of but I am patriotic”.


There is so much wrong with that entire statement. How do I even begin?

Source: Broadway Video

First off, having Pakistani friends really doesn’t excuse one’s pro-war sentiments? Your Pakistani friends don’t exist for you to casually bring them up in a bid to nullify your warmongering tactics? Also, “I have Pakistani friends” is the same kind of problematic as saying “I have black friends” when someone is accused of racism. Your relationship to an oppressed people doesn’t give you the A-OK to speak on their behalf and use that relationship as a fair trade-off in deflecting being called out when you experience being rightfully called out by other people for problematic actions.

Moreover, patriotism doesn’t automatically equate to encouraging war. You are allowed to love your country but when you’re tweeting out your support for the armed forces of your country when they’re clearly indulging in actions that will escalate war tensions, you’re complicit in promoting war. As a person with global influence and especially the responsibility of being an ambassador for UNICEF, Priyanka needs to realize that her actions aren’t simply “patriotic” but verging on the advocacy of nuclear war.


Ayesha explained how the situation had her reliving the frightening times when India and Pakistan were on the brink of war


She also revealed this move by her would help highlight Kashmir cause

Critics of Ayesha’s interaction have pointed out that her remarks were unsuitable for an event like “Beauty Con” which is primarily a convention for all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle.  Malik elaborated that her question was only a result of the remarks Priyanka made. Ayesha explained that she wasn’t even originally sitting at the panel featuring Priyanka since she figured the global superstar would talk about things like her favorite beauty products etc. It was only when Chopra launched into talking about being a “humanitarian” that Ayesha stopped in her tracks and decided to further press upon the issue of Chopra’s selective activism with regards to her comments made on February 26th.


Following the entire debacle, there has been an outpour of love and support for Ayesha for bravely speaking out and raising such an important issue up so bravely



People could not help expressing major disappointment over how hypocritical Priyanka Chopra and her pathetic stance was


Of course people used memes to cope with the intense hypocrisy Priyanka displayed

Ok but light-hearted humor aside, not all messages have been positive and Ayesha has in fact been on the receiving end of disturbingly hateful messages of the right-wing, Hindu nationalists. So does she regret speaking out?

Absolutely not.  In fact, she revealed to MangoBaaz that she has no qualms about speaking out because she knows that she’s on the right side of history. “When things really go out of hand, I will know that I did something to try and prevent this. I know I’m nothing compared to her (Chopra), but at least I did everything I could, in my power to just try and stop a little bit of this entire debacle”.


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