These foot scrubs will change your life.

Pakistani summers are notorious for being the absolute worst. With the sun glaring down at you all day, coupled with the dust and pollution you are exposed to, self-care isn’t a luxury but a necessity. But of course, not everyone can afford to spend thousands at fancy spas and salons for their up-keep.

Some of us have to make do with nifty tips and tricks which can help us achieve salon-like results at the comfort of our own homes and at a fraction of the cost!

So if you want a pedicure like glow on your feet at all times, you can use any of these foot scrubs and remedies to have your feet look their absolute best at all times.

The first tip: invest in a good quality manicure and pedicure set which has tools to help trim and clean your nails.

(Since how your nails look is a big part of how your overall feet will look as well).


Other than that, moisturizing every night if possible is also advised. And with the general advice out of the way, let’s get to the specifics of certain foot scrubs you can make at home.

1. Coconut Oil And Salt


All you will need is some salt and enough coconut oil to get the salt to that scrub-like consistency. Add in a few drops of any essential oil you like. Once the mixture is ready, massage it on your feet in circular motions for 5-minutes on each foot. Wash off with lukewarm water and dry your feet thoroughly. Once dried, apply moisturizer and voila, pretty and clean feet in no time!

2. Brown Sugar And Olive Oil Scrub


All you need are a few tablespoons of brown sugar. Add in enough oil to make a scrub-like consistency, add a few drops of either peppermint or chamomile oil and a sprinkle of baking soda as well. Combine the mixture well and massage it in to your feet in circular motions. And again wash off with lukewarm water and dry your feet thoroughly. Once dried apply moisturizer and you’re done!

3. Baking Soda Scrub


All you need are three tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of water. Mix both into a thick paste. Massage the mixture on to your entire feet for ten minutes total and then wash off followed by moisturizing once your feet dry. This is super easy to use and will help combat the damage caused to your feet by the Pakistani summer.

4. Sugar And Milk Soak


You will need two cups of milk and two cups of lukewarm water; you need enough of both liquids that when combined your feet will be able to submerge in them. Once you have combined them, soak your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes. Make a paste with 3 tablespoons of sugar mixed with one tablespoon of coconut oil and scrub each foot with this paste. After this, wash off your feet and moisturize them with coconut oil or any other moisturizer you prefer to lock in the softness.

5. Lemon And Sugar Scrub


All you need is some coconut oil mixed with enough sugar to make a coarse paste. Add in 9-10 drops of lemon essential oil and a 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest. Mix everything up and massage into feet. Once you have exfoliated your feet, make sure you wash your feet thorough and moisturize them after drying.

6. Milk Soak


This soak is amazing for people who have a hard time with cracked heels. You need to add one cup of milk with 5 cups of warm water in a bowl or tub big enough to soak your feet in. Leave your feet in this concoction for 5 to 10 minutes. Now in another bowl, you should have a coarse paste of baby oil combined with sugar or salt which you will use to exfoliate your feet, especially your heels. Use pumice to further work in the paste into your heels. After you have worked on both feet for about five minutes each, rinse off and pat dry. Follow up with some liberal moisturizing and wear socks for a few hours to lock in at home pedicure goodness.

7. Besan And Haldi Scrub


One tablespoon of gram flour or besan as we call it. Add in a teaspoon of yogurt and a pinch of turmeric powder or haldi. Finally, add in a teaspoon of milk and mix everything into a paste. Apply to your feet and let it rest for 10 seconds before you start massaging the mixture in. Spend 5 minutes on each foot before washing off with lukewarm water and patting your feet dry.

If you take care of your feet at least once a week, you won’t even need to go to a salon for a professional pedicure because you can protect your feet from the Pakistani summer all on your own!

What are your tips to protecting your feet in the Pakistani summer heat? Let us know in the comments below!


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Cover Image Source: Nature Network