Over the weekend, Pakistan plunged into total darkness due to a MASSIVE near-nationwide electricity breakdown. With not an ounce of information or prior warning regarding the blackout when it suddenly happened, people came up with all sorts of explanations and conspiracy theories.

As is evident, Pakistanis were occupied by the great blackout which was the biggest topic of conversation for most of Saturday night

People came up with all sorts of speculations regarding the breakdown

Is it Dajjal? Is it government restarting the nation? What is it!?!?



Some Pakistanis even went ahead to predict the great blackout spelling the beginning of a new era of martial law

Given Pakistan’s historical affinity for martial laws and how they started i.e. with a blackout, many thought this sudden blackout may mean that a new one was coming


There were war mongers too who couldn’t believe their wet dreams were coming true, with Pakistanis enjoying the sudden blackout


While many were left literally in the dark, people with power banks and full phone batteries were rejoicing

The awaam with low batteries and no internet were going through a painful time with Pakistanis under blackout

Digs were particularly taken at iPhone users for the infamously less battery timing as compared to android phones

Jokes about burgers coping with the sudden blackout and possible war rumors were cracked

At this point… I. Can’t. Even!!! LMAO


And of course, speculations as to how Pakistanis would come out of the blackout

Naturally people couldn’t let the chance of Pakistanis being in a blackout get away without making a few jokes about the Government


And couples who would be taking advantage of all this andhera were also teased

Then came the turn of the people who missed the whole blackout by sleeping through it

While the power breakdown was attributed to some issue at the Guddu power plant which apparently developed a fault at 11:41pm on Saturday night. After almost a day of restoration work power now is said to have been restored to most areas. However breakdowns were still being reported in many cities, although for much less time than the “big one”.