With the elections coming up, a lot of people are wondering who they are going to vote for.

Since most people only know about a few of the major political parties, we thought it would only be appropriate to tell you about some of the other lesser known parties and independent candidates.
The symbols for candidates and parties are decided by the Election Commission of Pakistan.
While bigger political parties have a big say in what their symbol will be, the independent candidates and smaller parties at times get the shorter end of the stick.
And apart from the fact that these parties exist, what’s even crazier is the fact that they have certain qualities that make them GREAT options. We’re talking about the symbols that represent them. So without further ado,
Here are some hilarious symbols which you might see at the polling booth come this election day.
Since not all of these parties and candidates have a social media presence, we decided to include clip art versions of the symbols to give you an idea because honestly, baat tou wohi hai.
Energy Saver
No, Ittehad-e-Ummat Pakistan has nothing to do with green energy initiatives.
Humdardar-e-Watan Pakistan knows the importance of looking sharp.
This is the symbol for the Move On Party and I don’t know what I like better; the party name or symbol!
This is the symbol for the Pakistani Awaami Raj and well we do need a massive clean up in Pakistan.
The Tehrik-e-Jawanan Pakistan is totally stealing Shahbaz Sharif’s thunder.
Air Conditioner
A bold choice in a country where most people don’t even own one.
Audio Cassette
Aaand you just lost your millennial voter base.
Do you wanna tell them, or should I? 🍆🍆🍆
Bunch of Grapes
Quick! Someone tell Umer Akmal!
Appropriate, for some Pakistani politicians.
Human Eye
Illuminati confirmed.
Do they know most Pakistanis have no idea what the heck a Kangaroo is?
Mobile Charger
Smart move, everyone knows what a mobile charger is.
Will the candidate make us cry too?
Phool Gobi
Vegetables are a popular choice.
Shortcut to being a doctor.
Baby Cot
Am I the only one creeped out by this?
Ooh, fabulous.
Great for the elderly vote, tbh.
If this an attempt to get the female vote, it just might work.
Nail Cutter
Well, I guess that’s a great reminder for hygiene?
Photostat Machine
Well, Trump’s Republican party will definitely approve of this one.
That’s eventually what the public feels like anyway.
Hits too close to home in lieu of the water crisis.
Might I suggest Spiderman Punjabi Version as the candidate’s song?
Finally, a focus on oral hygiene!
So which symbol do you like the best? Let us know in the comments!