From “naazrein utha ker nahein dekhtay logo ko”, to “dulhan ko ziada muskara nai chahiyay, acha nai lagta“, our archaic instructions for desi brides are never-ending. In fact, the perfect desi bride is depicted as nothing less than a miserable, weeping mess who continuously keeps her gaze down during the entire shaadi function, all whilst making sure her foundation stays put.

Slowly but steadily this norm of depressed dulhans seems to be overtaken by happy, joyful brides who are carefree in the celebration of their important day

The video shows the bride failing to suppress her laughter even while the man, who we’re told he is the bride’s uncle, next to her continues to read her Nikkahnama.

Naturally, the internet had a lot to say about the bride in question.

A lot of people couldn’t stop gushing over how cute the entire thing was

However, not everyone was as nice and some very unkind comments were thrown the bride’s way

MangoBaaz spoke with the viral laughing bride who is morning show host Yusra Aejaz Khan

Yursa happens to be a recent graduate from LUMS and she’s also a YouTuber. She tells MangoBaaz that the cause of laughter was because of a very simple reason-nervousness! She elaborated, “whenever I’m in pain or I get really really nervous or I’m in a very serious situation, I start laughing.”

Yusra divulged that she was feeling extremely jittery as she sat amongst her friends waiting to sign the nikkah documents and their efforts in telling her to calm down were making her want to laugh even more

She also noted that her chacha was reading the nikkah document for her and it was strange hearing him address her with her full name and in such a serious manner, that it made her laugh even more uncontrollable.

“It was a moment that had gone over and over again in my head so many times and just seeing it happen in reality also made me nervous”.

Another reason that made Yusra excessively joyful on her wedding day? The fact that she was getting married to the love of her life! Yusra spills that she and her husband had been dating for 10 years and hearing her chacha taking the name of the guy she had thought of marrying since 2011 was such a surreal experience that she just could not contain her laughter.

Upon being asked about her family’s response to her khul kar hasna, Yusra shared that, unlike the internet, her family were very supporting

“Thankfully, no one from my family stopped me from laughing out loud. Even my friends who were telling me not to laugh were doing so while laughing themselves. My family was generally very happy for me and even before the video became viral, would forward it to everyone in their contact list, saying that this is how one should sign their nikkahnama. Basically, everyone I know was pretty chill about it”.

In fact, her chacha even went ahead and hi-fived her after she signed the document! How cool is that?

However, not everyone has been as nice about the video as her close circle. Yusra reveals that people have sent her some very mean and harsh comments which have left her very shaken. She says that it hurts her that people are hurt just by seeing someone happy.  Yusra also voiced her disappointment for how judgmental people were being towards her.

“I don’t know where it’s written that you’re supposed to cry on your nikkah. It is YOUR wedding and it is YOUR day. Most people just get married once in their life and get to enjoy this moment only one time. So why not enjoy to the fullest? Never be apologetic for being yourself.”

We can’t help but wholeheartedly agree with Yusra’s sentiments. Weddings are supposed to be a celebration between the union of two people and should be rejoiced rather than being seen as an occasion for rona dhona. Shaadis should be a joyous and exciting occasion for the brides and our culture needs to progress towards normalizing happy brides rather encouraging the sharmeli dulhan trope where the poor bride looks like a glammed up qurbani ka bakra. 

Have a happy married life, Yusra.

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