Pakistanis are enraged over PMDC being dissolved so suddenly and without proper planning

Just recently, the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council was dissolved and instead, Pakistan Medical Commission was set up for its replacement upon Prime Minister Imran Khan’s special assistant on health’s claim of trying to modernize the country’s medical education regime. This was met with a lot of controversy and criticism from the majority of the medical community and the students.


Pakistanis are enraged that PMDC was dissolved without a proper plan or warning

The surprising way that the PMDC has been dissolved and replaced with the PMC that has brought in its own set of rules has confused so many people. Many young medical students are feeling like their lives are very uncertain now.


This doctor’s rant is being loved by Pakistanis over PMDC dissolution being an ill-planned, impractical move by the Government

The resident, in his rather detailed Facebook status, began by stating that the Government of Pakistan is merely a Government of vision and no practicality. He also stated that the Government has never gotten a reality check and believes itself to be a ‘developed’ country and is thus implementing policies from European countries, that do not suit the present situation of our country.

Source: Asim Naqvi via Facebook

He also expressed the painful process of examinations and troubles that a medical student goes through

According to Asim, the process begins with putting all your efforts to get 1000+ marks in matriculation and then the immense pressure of scoring 1000+ marks in Intermediate. This, still not enough, calls for more efforts to get 90% marks in the entrance test which, when passed, leads to a 5-year series of professional examinations.

Source: Gracie Films

According to the new criteria set by the government, This will still not be ‘enough’ as to opt for house job, the medical-university graduates will have to pass another examination, NLE, which will score registration for five years only and then PHIR SY  EXAM!?!?!!

Asim stated that this will result in 40-year old, white-haired, socially awkward individuals who’d have had spent their lives studying, rather than enjoying their personal lives!

Source: Asim Naqvi via Facebook


Asim proceeded to state the future outcome and consequences on Pakistanis over PMDC being dissolved

Asim mentioned that all this effort would lead to an underpaid, hectic job with no security and hospital facilities and would eventually be fired by an unapologetic, F.A pass politician with a worthless excuse. Private practice comes with a label of being a ‘Qasai’ because of the starting fees, despite the 23 years of education to prove its worth!

He also questioned that if so was the vision of the future, then why shouldn’t one opt for the many certifications abroad, like the United States Medical Licensing Examination, Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board or Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada?

Source: Asim Naqvi via Facebook

He proceeded to explain that despite Pakistani doctors wanting to serve their country, it was being made very difficult to do so for them

Doctor Asim proceeded to express that the medical-community wants to serve their nation too but with such imposition, it is hard for them to do so.

He ended the note by asking the government to upgrade the infrastructure and the health care facilities rather than copying the policies of developed nations.

Source: Asim Naqvi via Facebook


While talking to MangoBaaz, Dr. Asim lamented that the uncertainty that the Medical community is facing regarding their futures is insanely stressful

He explained that impositions like these will cause a massive brain drain as many of them have already planned to go abroad in search of better facilities, infrastructure, hospitals, and the pays. Furthermore, He predicted the collapse of this health system after a mass exodus will manifest itself in a few years.

In the end, He hopes that the Government might understand the criticality of the circumstances.

You can read the complete status over here:


The Government’s decision regarding the PMDC dissolution has sparked heated debates among people. What do you think of this imposition? Sound off in the comments below to let us know about your opinion.`


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Cover Image via Asim Naqvi / Facebook