This doctor shared how she is risking her life during the pandemic for us all, like all other frontline heroes

By now we’re all pretty aware of the realities of how the coronavirus pandemic has changed everyone’s lives, probably forever. Sadly, recently, Pakistan government announced easing the lockdown without much of a proper plan to ensure that our already vulnerable healthcare system doesn’t completely collapse due to COVID-19 patients. It is of the utmost importance that we now learn what happens at a hospital fighting the virus and how our heroic frontline workers are working day and night to save us, so that we can respect their lives and our own by not stepping out even if the lockdown has ended.


Sadia, a Pakistani-American doctor working during the pandemic, is one of the many healthcare professionals around the world  who’re at the forefront of this fight

Sadia S. is a practicing healthcare provider in the United States, specifically the Midwest. She completed her O-Levels in Karachi and moved to the United States over a decade ago. After moving to the United States, she was diagnosed with an illness for which she was admitted into the hospital. While at the hospital, she states she received amazing service and the quality of service ignited the passion in her that her father had seen years ago.

Via Sadia S.


After her personal experience with healthcare providers, she vowed to become someone on the giving end and enrolled in medical school

After graduating from one of the best Medical Schools in the United States, she had finally turned her passion into a career.

Source: Sadia S.


Now she is living her dream as a doctor and giving back during the ongoing pandemic

As a healthcare provider working during the COVID-19 crisis, Sadia explains how much of a rollercoaster ride her life has been. The past few months working on the frontlines, Sadia has gone through a lot mentally and emotionally. Imagine having a patient with coronavirus doing so well and on the path of recovery and suddenly the patient goes into respiratory arrest, then having to call their time of death. The fact that it is hard for us to even imagine having to go through that and Sadia has gone through this day after day during her 14 hour shifts. My 14 hour shifts consist of closing my eyes and laying in my bed (if you get what I mean).

Source: Sadia S.


As an active member of the healthcare system as a frontline doctor during the pandemic, Dr. Sadia says she is afraid

She is afraid she will eventually contract the virus and pass it onto her loved ones and members of the community. Sadia avoids contact from others as much as she can and has a super supportive husband in times like these. Dr. Sadia is working in the United States, which by far has been hit the worst with COVID-19 so her region is especially vulnerable.

With that being said, Sadia insists everyone practice social distancing, whether your country of residence has been affected heavily or not. While Pakistan has not been greatly affected by the virus, the virus still exists in Pakistan, the United States, and all around the world. As a member of the community, we should be doing our part to stop the rapid increase of the virus from people to people by staying home as much as we possibly can and maintaining distance when we are around others. Aside from community members, Sadia suggests for medical professions to come together during this time to share information about the virus and to collaborate on creating a vaccine.

Source: Sadia S.


She says no medical industry is foolproof and the United States is the best example of this because despite being one of the best healthcare systems in the world it was not prepared for the massive outbreak of the virus

Healthcare professionals were forced to wear the same personal protective equipment like masks for multiple days because of low supply. While Pakistan faces similar issues on a day to day basis, healthcare professionals in Pakistan have shown how they’re still not shunning away from work with whatever limited resources and lower diagnostic tools they have. They are forced to work harder and smarter by improving and sharpening their critical skills.

Source: AFP

While some enter this profession for the money aspect or to be able to write Dr. next to their names to find suitors for themselves, Sadia claims only the ones with true passion will be successful and happy with what they are doing.

My favorite quote from my conversation with Dr. Sadia may sound cliche but coming from someone living this lifestyle I truly believe it, “It takes a lot of tears, blood, and sweat, but it’s all worth it in the end.”


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Cover image via Sadia S.