Tiktoker Asad Ray and Areeshay Soomro were invited by the incredibly endowed TV host Mathira to appear on her BOL Entertainment program, “The Insta Show.” Upon the Tiktoker’s late arrival, Mathira enquired what made him late. He reveals that he got late because he argued with his wife. Mathira paid little attention and carried on the show.

During the segment of The Insta Show, Mathira questioned Asad Ray if he ever had a fight with her wife. He cackled haughtily and stated that he had slapped her wife before coming here. Mathira became furious after hearing how Asad treated her wife. She was disappointed to see how people take advantage of women who have no parental support.

She aggressively reacted to his statement, “This is not a joke at all to beat a woman”. She added that “it doesn’t sound well and it shows how you respect your wife”. The reaction of Mathira was justified by raising a voice against domestic violence.

“On a national television program, you are babbling garbage. How does that feel? She questioned. The Tiktoker Asad Ray tried to cover up his confession by saying that” First of all, I told you that I respect her”, He continued by saying that a couple with no dispute would not have love. According to Mathira, showing respect through words and having respect in reality are two different things.

Later on, he elucidates that he has given a little smack to her wife with love and it was not a serious matter but the reaction of Mathira seemed natural. Mathira came to the conclusion that his wording was poor.