Do you have control over the way you are born? Or the family you’re born into, or how you look like? You weren’t the one who deliberately changed that chromosome, neither were your parents nor any other human being.
How ecstatic is a new birth for any family? Now, imagine, instead of a great celebration on your arrival with mithai being distributed around neighbors, gifts and embraces being exchanged, there are hushed voices, the deafening sound of silence thick with disappointment, dismay and horror.
Imagine being unwanted the moment you step into this world, not knowing what you did wrong to not have a right to live a life majority of people around you enjoy.

Having a school to go to, friends to play with. Having a ‘normal’ childhood, heck, having a ‘normal’ life is taken for granted by many of us. Growing up and thinking about a career, thinking about love or marriage, having kids, a family is all you’re taught about as your goals in life.
Intersex people are not allowed to have these ‘normal’ dreams and wishes. Most of them are not given even a quarter of that normalcy. For them, normal is having to beg, dance and pay for food by shopping their bodies on street corners. For them, normal is a life of ridicule, taunts and humiliation by people like you and me.

Most people in Pakistan feel uncomfortable in the presence of an intersex person
According to an extensive research paper by Humaira Jami, National Institute of Psychology Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, majority of people do not like interacting with intersex individuals, even having a conversation regarding them is frowned upon. It’s also a common viewpoint of many that the babies born with such sexual deformities should not be raised at home and should instead be sent to live with the hijra community.
These individuals are commonly known as a Khusras in Pakistan and the hijra community claims the custody of intersex babies. According to Hijras who participanted in Humaira’s research, when they hear about a birth of a baby, they go for asking money in order to confirm the child’s sexual identity. In case of sexual ‘abnormalcy’, they claim the custody by declaring that the child belongs to them.

Many people believe that turning away a khusra will bring misfortune
The reasons why many intersex individuals from low socio-economic status join hijra community is because of the ruthless manner in which their families treated them, some were handed over by their families due to shame and embarrassment in society while some were sold off due to poverty. Some also joined themselves because they suffered from psychological problems and sexual abuse.

Hijras are granted legal rights and obligations in the society, by the Government of Pakistan, however. They have right to vote/contest in elections. However, there are major cultural, social and attitudinal barriers in the society towards this community. They are denied any quota in employment on the basis of their handicap (if it is there, if not, a fake one is made) and also deprived of opportunities to take education because of people’s attitude towards them.
More so they are also denied health and psychological/psychotherapeutic assistance. Victims of gender identity problem carry out castrations without any medical and psychological aid. They indulge in self-remedy including hormone taking without prescription, using silicon injections and at extreme auto-castrations. No one is there to understand them and find solution to their problems.
People give away alms, only because of the fear to avoid their curse and get good wishes.

A large number of hijra community come from the low- socioeconomic class where their behaviors cannot be concealed. While, in upper socio-economic class they remain in their household and pursue their careers alongside their “deviant” behaviors, according to Humaira’s study, because people in this class conceal such oddities. They can afford to have hormonal therapy and sex reassignment surgeries from abroad, but those who belong to low- socioeconomic class rely on self remedy/auto-castrations and stay stuck for the rest of their lives.
For the first time in Pakistan intersex community will receive a major opportunity of telling their story on Pakistani TV
Where previously a trans character’s sole purpose was to serve as comic relief due to their mere existence, Khuda Mera Bhi Hai starring Aisha Khan and Syed Jibran is a unique and rare initiative that speaks of an issue which majority of people neither have much knowledge about, nor are comfortable talking about it in a way that will not only spread awareness about intersex individuals, but will also try to connect the audience to the struggles and social pressure attached with these individuals and their families in an emotional way.
The drama serial will be aired on ARY Digital on 22nd October and will tell a story about a modern age couple, whose first born is an intersex child.

Since intersex people have every right to be treated equally, and their acceptance in this society is not a task that can be achieved overnight, any step towards its achievement is an laudable step and it, at least assures, that we’re headed toward a place where we can discuss these topics in a civilized manner.
We sure do hope that the trans community is not made a mockery out of in this show.