Donald Trump just tried to explain the Kashmir conflict and umm…
A few hours ago President Donald Trump addressed quite a few concerns during a press conference. One of the questions he was asked pertained to the current critical situation in Kashmir since only a few weeks ago he had stated that he would be willing to help mediate the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan. He had said that Modi had even asked for help regarding the issue. The Indian government later denied the claim.
When President Trump was asked the question this time, he even went as far as to explain in, let’s just call them “easier words”, the Kashmir issue to those who might not be aware of it
Asked about the Kashmir crisis, President Trump says that “Kashmir is a very complicated place. You have the Hindus, and you have the Muslims, and I wouldn’t say they get along so great. And that’s what you have right now.”
— NBC News (@NBCNews) August 20, 2019
He talked about similar how the Kashmir issue wasn’t new but something that had continued in the region for years under different names perhaps but had been a bone of contention nonetheless. The issue he identified was how Hindus and Muslims don’t get along.
He also reiterated that he would do his best to mediate the situation as best as he could since he had great relationships with both India and Pakistan and would be meeting Modi in France soon.
People joked about how Trump has essentially explained the two nation theory with his answer.
People thought this just showed how successful the two nation theory had been and how it holds true even decades later.
#Kashmir and the Two Nation Theory, as explained by @POTUS Donald Trump.
— Annus Raza (@annusraza) August 21, 2019
A lot of people truly believed Trump could help Pakistan regarding the Kashmir issue.
#Trump has vindicated #Pakistan’s point of view that it’s about #Hindu extremist ideology trying to suppress the only Muslim Majority state in #India
— Adeel Ahsan (@syedadeelahsan) August 21, 2019
Once again President Trump offers to mediat.. Trumpo tou Cha gaya he
— Sana Bikak (@SanaBikak) August 21, 2019
Others did want to hold their breath over Trump’s offer.
We shouldn’t get fool this time over President Donald Trump’s mediation offer on Kashmir. #IndoPak
— Muhammad Hani (@muhd_hani) August 21, 2019
So far the US has not stepped in to mediate the issue but after seeing Trump talking about Kashmir I would not be surprised if the process started either formally or informally. Who knows, maybe it might do some good after all.
What do you think of Trump’s comment about Kashmir? Let us know in the comments below.