Stephenie Meyer is finally releasing Midnight Sun

Remember Twilight? The book series which had many teenagers swooning over the mere thought of fictitious vampires and werewolves? Yep, it’s making a comeback!


Author Stephenie Meyer just made the announcement about ‘Midnight Sun’ coming this year

A while ago Stephenie Meyer launched a countdown on her website that people were very curious about. People speculated what the countdown could be leading up to.

And lo and behold, apparently when the countdown was supposed to end, the website crashed!

But never mind that, the announcement is finally here; Stephanie Meyer is rebooting the Twilight series from Edward Cullen’s perspective. You might be think you have heard this before and you would be right.


Back in 2008, she was writing ‘Midnight Sun’; the Twilight series from Edward Cullen’s perspective however, someone leaked her unfinished manuscript to the public which did not sit well with Stephenie

Source: Temple Hill Entertainment

She made a statement saying that the leak was “a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being” and was very upset about the entire thing. She published Midnight Sun’s unfinished manuscript online on her website and said that she was abandoning the project. Fans were incredibly upset and asked her to reconsider, however, she did not budge.


Seems like 12 years later, she had a change of heart because the countdown announced the impending launch of her latest book, Midnight Sun

Fans of the franchise who are now much older, are still very much excited. The book will launch on August 4th, 2020 but it is available for pre-ordering right now. Hopefully, this time, no one will leak the book ahead of it’s launch and piss off Stephenie Meyer into a decade long hiatus again.

Source: Hachette Book Group

While I am happy that I get to relive a childhood favorite tale, being someone who was ardently Team Jacob back in the day, I fully expect another version of the beloved story from Jacob’s wolfish perspective! Stephenie, you better step on it.

What do you think about Midnight Sun finally being released? Let us know in the comments below.


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