
Hey there, beauty enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving headfirst into a highly requested topic that has plagued countless individuals: enlarged pores. Those pesky little craters on our faces seem to have a mind of their own. Fear not, for we are about to embark on a hilarious and enlightening journey to discover the secrets of combating these bothersome blemishes!

Chapter 1: The Pore Predicament

Enlarged pores, the arch-nemesis of flawless skin, have tormented humanity for ages. They mock our efforts and laugh in the face of our expensive skincare products. But what are they exactly? Well, picture tiny, rebellious openings on the skin’s surface, often linked to hair follicles and oil glands. It’s like Mother Nature decided to add an extra flair to our faces, but we weren’t exactly thrilled about it. And how our foundation decides to settle into each and every one of them? Preposterous! But have you wondered why some people have smaller pores and how can you borrow their secret?

Chapter 2: Unveiling the Culprits

Let’s ask ourselves, why do these enlarged pores appear? The answer lies in four mischievous factors:

  • Increased oil production,
  • Photodamage,
  • Genetics,
  • The relentless march of time.


Sun-damaged skin disrupts our collagen framework, and without proper support, the follicles become more prominent than a Kardashian at a red carpet-event. Other culprits include genetics and cosmetics that love to clog those precious pores. If you are a regular sunscreen user you may have noticed that your pores now seem smaller than they were 5 or 10 years ago.

Chapter 3: Pores Have a Menstrual Connection

Ladies, have you ever noticed the correlation between your menstrual cycle and the noticeable presence of pores on your face? It’s like your skin decides to have its own monthly party. Turns out, during ovulation, progesterone levels rise, leading to increased oil production. So, when your pores decide to gatecrash your social life, blame those hormonal hooligans!

Chapter 4: Battle Tactics for Pore-Free Skin

Now that we’ve unveiled the enemy, it’s time to fight back! Prepare your arsenal with these effective tips:

No Soap Opera: Bid farewell to bar soaps on your face. They contain ingredients that can clog pores faster than a traffic jam during rush hour. Let’s keep the soap on TV and not on our faces, shall we?

Non-Comedogenic is the New Sexy: Avoid oil-based cosmetics and foundations. Instead, seek refuge in products labeled “non-comedogenic.” Those fancy words mean they won’t betray you by clogging your pores. Trust me, it’s a match made in skincare heaven!

Cleanse with Care: Embrace water-soluble, gentle cleansers, and bid farewell to harsh alcohol-based astringents. Drying out your skin triggers a sneaky mechanism that says, “Hey, let’s produce even more oil!” It’s like your pores are in cahoots with your skin’s hydration levels. Sneaky little troublemakers!

Sweet Dreams, Makeup: Never, and I mean never, go to bed without washing off your makeup. It’s a cardinal sin that only further clogs your pores. Let’s avoid that mini makeup party on your face, shall we?

Add BHA Busters: Bust those cloggers by adding 2% BHA and 5% Niacinamide to your skincare arsenal. Top pick: Sabbskin Porefect Toner which will make your skin baby soft and with the teeniest tiniest pores ever!


Chapter 5: Hilarious Blunders and Forbidden Scrubs

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—your urge to scrub away those pesky blackheads. I hate to break it to you, but it’s time to abort the mission. Scrubbing and using harsh exfoliants won’t solve the problem. In fact, you’ll end up increasing the flakiness of your skin, and guess where those pesky flakes love to go? Yup, right into your pores. Time to let go of the scrubbing madness and that nostalgia you feel every time you start picking up your old habits. Read this fun article to throw back on more nostalgia from 80s!