Shoaib Mansoor’s upcoming film “Verna”, that stars Mahira Khan became the object of controversy after the Central Board Of Film Certification issued a ban on it. The film was declared ‘unfit’ for Pakistani audiences, with many attributing it to the plot being about a woman seeking vengeance after being raped.  As a result, its premiere which was set to take place was canceled.

Earlier, it was reported that “Verna” will not be releasing in Punjab

All thanks to the Punjab Censor Board being a little too lazy and still not having given a certificate of approval to the Shoaib Mansoor directed movie.

Much like the rest of the world, Punjabi audiences can also breathe a sigh of relief since the Central Board Of Film Certification i.e. the “baray wala censor board” has passed the film

While the movie still hasn’t been issued a certificate in Punjab, the Central Board has finally approved the film for release. Since the Central Board works all across Pakistan it really doesn’t matter if it’s issued a separate certificate in the province or not. So good news to all Verna fans.

People were glad that finally, they will get to watch the movie and find out the powerful message it sends

Meanwhile, some were confused as to why the Ministry of Information had to intervene

Then there were the usual haters who you can never satisfy

What do you guys think of the whole ordeal? Please let us know in the comment section below.


Cover image via: ShoMan Productions