Waqar Zaka is and always has been different. Good different, bad different – we can’t really say. But he’s made it a point to stand out, time and again.
Everyone knows about the show that really put him on the map – a show that he undoubtedly made his own through his personality.
His Snapchat game is strong – in countless different ways.

And every now and then, he’ll do something great – like risk heading to places like Syria or Burma to help out the families there. Or to try to create awareness about issues in his own way.

He may not always be on point, but he tries. And that’s a lot more than what we can say about countless others.
Another interesting aspect, when it comes to Waqar Zaka, is when he locks horns with someone.
We all know how the “trimmer lao” drama went down. Staged or not, Waqar puts up a show for his audience that’s always worth watching.
Well, his next target is Donald Trump.

Yep, this guy. As in, the current President of The United States Of America.

Waqar is currently amidst a mission where he plans to do kaala jadoo on Donald Trump to “change his heart.”
He sent out a tweet to his loyal followers.
He also added a link to the tweet that redirects you to a video where a discussion is being held.
The description of the video itself is pretty telling: “Mission to cast white magic on Donald Trump. Let’s beat him with love. Black and white magic research Part 1 from the hub of Satan, Mexico.”
Khair, here’s the video:
The gentleman in the video is receiving particular backlash for his controversial views.
Amidst a whole lot of backlash that became a sensitive, religious debate, there were a few followers who seemed to really dig this move
You could practically hear their voices chime in with support…
…and clearly, they had a whole lot of respect for Waqar.
Well, except this guy who seems to have alerted the authorities.
Oh well.
Whatever happens, we all know that we’re kinda sorta going to be invested in how this ends.
Dekhtay hain.
Here’s hoping that kuch bhi hojaye, bas World War III ya nuclear war na ho. Since with Trump around, that’s a very real possibility.
What do you think about Waqar Zaka’s newest pursuit? Let us know in the comments.