Every year, when the Holy month of Ramazan rolls around and Satan’s locked up, we get to access our naik sides fully. It feels like a new start – a clean slate. If you’re truly good to the core, you’ll feel that goodness sprouting out from within you, impacting others around you with your selfless acts.

It could be in the form of a meal you buy for someone…

…or it could be your decision to bury the hatchet.

It could even manifest in the form of forgiving and forgetting. 

Well, keeping the same in mind, we asked MangoBaaz peeps how they’re planning on collecting sawaab this Ramazan. And a lot of them shared some truly inspiring, heartwarming and downright considerate actions.

Biya, for instance, will be handing out Iftaris.

Mona chose to buy juice for her cousin.

Faiza is being extra kind to the house help, which is EXTREMELY important, and something we should all do all year round.

Next up is Shah. Well, if you’ve been following us on Instagram, you know he’s been giving massages at work.

And Rameeza’s going to focus on taking care of animals – again, super important.

Next up, we asked you guys what you were planning on doing to be a little more selfless in Ramazan. And while the responses that poured in were plenty, here are a few amazing ones that we could all follow as well.

Someone said they’d teach children for free during the summer

Another person said they’d give shelter to stray animals.

Someone else intends to control their anger and help their ammi at home.

While another person intends on being kinder.

Another person intends on raising funds to get hearing aids for children who can’t afford them. 

Truly wonderful.

And someone else pointed out how they hand out Iftari to underprivileged people.

Finally, this person highlighted that we can truly start at home, looking after the needs of our house help.

While being selfless all year round is extremely crucial, and empathy is the need of the hour, we’re all generous when it comes to tapping into our humane side during Ramazan. For instance, in Surf Excel’s new ad, we see how two brothers bury the hatchet in the Holy month, because truly, it’s a time of forgiveness, love, appreciation, and gratitude. We can learn a lot from the message the ad conveys and can imbibe it, only for it to be utilized in our day-to-day lives.

This Ramazan, let us know what your selfless acts will be in the comments below.

This post is sponsored by Surf Excel Pakistan