Guess what… your girl is back with another round of weekly love horoscopes. I can’t really tell your exact future, but what I can tell you is what your love looks like this week according to your zodiac. Take all of this with a grain of salt, please.



Relationship: The best relationships start out as friendships, and you may have missed out on the friendship part with your lover. This week you will go back in time and work on your friendship, before the romantic parts. Intimacy and physical attraction is cool but you know what’s even cooler? Having a best friend always around you! Work on your friendship for once instead of being lovers.

Single: This is your week for trying out the online dating thing. It is a stigma around online dating and well dating in general in our culture, but be the leader and break some barriers.




Relationship: You’ve been so hung up in your relationship and that is what you’re life has been revolving about. Your friends are finally beginning to come back into your life and they do not have all good things to say about your significant other. They feel some type of way and it is worth paying attention to because it is more than one friend that is saying the same thing. Pay close attention to your friends’ advice this week regarding your love life.

Single: You’ve been on the romantic path for a while now but it hasn’t been going well. Take a break and focus on yourself.




Relationship: You are in a good place and you are happy, isn’t that all you need? Your partner is the one, or so you think and things just couldn’t be better. I would advise you not to rush things, but at the same time you two are perfect for each other so go for it. You made some good decisions early on in your relationship and they are paying off now, so kudos to you for making it right from the beginning.

Single: Matters of the heart are in your future this week. Take up all of the romantic opportunities present this week.




Relationship: The level of your connection of your partner will be very intense. You are going to feel one and completely inseparable this week because you’re in love. This isn’t a new relationship, but this sort of connection is very new for the two of you. Soak in the love as much as you can, because you deserve it.

Single: You and a friend are becoming close and you want it to work so bad, but you aren’t so sure about how your friend feels. Give it more time, they might come around.




Relationship: You are either in a fairly new relationship or an older relationship that is about to start a new path, either way, it is super exciting. You are so ready to begin something new after the previous heartbreaks you have faced in the past. You are stronger together so set your sight on something high and believe in each other, I can see a lot of success in your future.

Single: A first date this week is going to leave you interested in someone that is totally not your type, but it’s okay opposites attract.




Relationship: You are going to be learning some major lessons about being in a relationship this week. You will learn how important it is to communicate and listen to your partner because it is supposed you and them against the world. You will eventually find that talking to each other makes it a lot easier to agree on things and to understand where the other is coming from.

Single: Keep talking to new people and might I say keep hoe-ing around, because you’re still young and living life.




Relationship: You have been feeling stuck in your relationship, there is a set routine and you two seem to be following it religiously. It is time for a change and you need to make it happen to be able to keep your sanity. You need a little more excitement in your life and this week you are going to get it. Hold onto your horses this week, it is going to be a crazy one (by your normal standards).

Single: Your crush has been giving you positive signals and I say you go for it because there is nothing like a green signal coming from your crush.



Relationship: Forget everything you know about love, it is time for you to learn a few new things. Venus has entered your star and you are in for a ride, romantically. This week will be from out of the movies and you are going to feel and taste love this week. I’m super jealous because not all of us get to live out a fairytale love life you know.

Single: You’ve been dating one specific person for a while now and they are keeping you content, but not happy. Let me just tell you there are so many more machlian in the sea that you can go for. Go get you a (wo)man that makes you happy and giddy on the inside.




Relationship: You might have an old flame come into your life to possibly put a dent in your current relationship, but you and your partner are a lot stronger than that. You have toughed out every situation that has come your way and this one will be no different. Let them ex’s come your way because you are so much happier with your current boo than you ever were in the past.

Single: You’ll be making the moves this week. Get your best clothes because you are going to be doing some wooing this week. Good luck on your mission.




Relationship: Your partner is allowing you to take a leap of faith in something outside of your relationship. You have always wanted someone in your court who is also your biggest supporter and your partner is going to fulfill that role for you this week. You and your partner are going to realize the only people you really need in life are each other and you will find this new appreciation for them and vice versa.

Single: Keep going your gut because it is going to lead you in the right direction. Whether that is a crush’s message or lack thereof, the only person you can truly trust is yourself.




Relationship: You are going to be asking yourself a lot of questions regarding your relationship and the future of it. There is nothing wrong with wondering whether you and your partner are going to last because that just means you care enough to give it some thought. Overthinking and hiding these questions from your partner might be detrimental for your relationship, so just be honest.

Single: Just work on yourself, you have some amazing things coming your way and you need to focus on those. A relationship might distract you from your potential.




Relationship: Your relationship has been “complicated” for a little bit now and at the end of it all you still do not know where you stand. I recommend you really get to thinking about yourself and what you want from all of this. It is okay to want to walk away and move on, even though our society looks down on this type of thing. For once put yourself first and you might just find out what you truly deserve.

Single: You might be close to making a decision about the person you have been seeing, truly take this week to put into perspective what this person means to you and what they bring into the relationship, never settle for anyone.


What was your love life like this week?



Here’s How Romantic You Really Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign


Cover image via Jasmine Wallace Carter /