So, today is the World Health Day, according to the World Health Organization(WHO) and this year’s theme is ‘Diabetes’. The disease is certainly nothing new to anyone in Pakistan. Many of you know of it as ‘sugar’, as it is colloquially referred to as. Some of you may even know of someone close suffering from it, while others may even be going through it. Most, however don’t realize the effects such a disease has. Due it’s prevalence, most people have become desensitized to the kind of damage this, very deadly, disease can wreak on your life and the lives of those around you.

Here are some of the most important messages from people, this World Health Day, about Diabetes:

Diabetes is a brutal disease

But there are always ways to fight it.

Like this guy who thinks investing in a safe environment, overall, can help ward of many health risks:

This chart shows who among you is potentially at risk of contracting Diabetes:

Making access to healthcare easy and affordable is how to fight off many potential epidemics

This healthy advice is just an example of a lifestyle change you can implement for a healthy life

This chart can help you live a fulfilling life beyond physical fitness

And this one tells you a good place to start your healthy journey this World Health Day

Here’s how to make it easier by encouraging healthy living among those around you

A healthy breakfast is ideal to stay on track with healthy eating throughout the rest of the day

And always remember:

Always take care of your mind and body. Don’t worry about the weigh scales and measuring tapes, worry about a healthy lifestyle. Happy World Health Day

Cover Image: Yoga Islamabad

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