With Islamophobia at, possibly, it’s peak since the horrible 9/11 and a world where intolerance is growing by the second, it is no surprise that not many people actually understand what Islam is really about and what exactly are the teachings of the Prophet Muhamamd (PBUH). Not even those who claim to be Muslims, or worse, “better” Muslims, know what the real essence of their faith is.
People like Donald Trump, are spewing venom
Because the concept of Islam they have is based on the terrorist organizations that dominate the narrative of Islam by wreaking havoc all over the world.
But thankfully, there is massive backlash from rational people to Trump and Islamophobes like him
Even from non-Muslims, like Mark Zuckerburg. Because to be a sane, rational person who understands what crap is being said you don’t have to be a Muslim.
In a similar move, to help teach people about what Islam truly is, a Muslim rapper made a video with ‘Talk Islam’
In their own words, “Talk Islam started off with a group of young Muslim brothers from Sydney inspired to spread the dawah on the streets. Whether it be through handing out pamphlets or engaging in conversation with strangers.”
While one may or may not agree with their views, in principle, what cannot be disregarded is their peaceful way of going about spreading the message of their faith instead of forcing people, shaming the others, beating young kids into fearing the wrath of hell or killing people who don’t agree with them.
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/talkislam/videos/927607720663026/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]
About the reason they made the video, Talk Islam said that, “this video is a response to all those that have abused, disgraced or degenerated the message of Islam whether they be deranged Muslims or Anti-Islam haters.
We did not create this video, except in defence of the Messenger (pbuh) and to uphold the sanctity of his teachings which are being disgraced daily by these people. May Allah make this video a means of benefit to both Muslims and Non-Muslims so that they may understand and appreciate the merciful reality of our Noble Messenger.”
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