A storm of controversy surrounds Cyril Almeida after he reported a front page story that hinted at a rift between Pakistan’s civilian and army leadership over the militant jihadi groups that operate from Pakistan.


Dawn’s editor, Zaffar Abbas, issued a statement on an official Facebook page standing by Cyril Almeida. He said the story had been “verified, cross-checked and fact-checked”.

“The elected government and state institutions should refrain from targeting the messenger, and scapegoating the country’s most respected newspaper in a malicious campaign,” the statement said.

When PM Sharif promised “stern action” for all those responsible for a story that “risked the vital state interests through inclusion of inaccurate and misleading contents which had no relevance to actual discussion and facts”, the government put Almeida on the ECL (Exit Control List). This essentially means that he is barred from leaving the country.


Source: Twitter


The government should at once remove Mr Almeida’s name from the ECL (Exit Control List) and salvage some of its dignity,”- Dawn



LUMS Students & Alumni Action Committee – LSAAC put out a statement condemning the witch-hunt against Cyril Almeida by the government and state.

Cyril Almeida, who is a LUMS Alumnus, and a holder of the Honor Roll was recently a Guest at LUMS. He was invited to participate in the 4th LUMS Quarterly Debate (held in March 2016) defending the  proposition, “This house believes that the Prime Minister should not resign”.

Source: old.lums.edu.pk

LSAAC clarifies that “he was assigned to the panel to defend the motion as part of the simulated debate. He himself did not choose to do so. During the entire debate he never claimed to be a supporter of ANY political party.”

At a tough time for the country and the reporter, it is heartening to see Almeida’s alma mater supporting him in the face of institutionalized persecution. Let’s pray for the future of a country that is run by people who, with great flamboyance, put a journalist and the people’s Freedom of Speech on the Exit Control List.


Do you #StandWithCyril?