Every Pakistani is familiar with the high standards of service (or lack thereof) provided by our infamous national carrier, Pakistan International Airlines. Whether we were personally victimized by the not-so-great people to fly with or not, PIA has had its fair share of embarrassing moments.

Here’s a list of the times PIA let you down:


1. High standards of safety.



2. Triggering existentialism.


3. A rather sticky situation.


4. When the captain’s problem solving skills were too damn high.


5. Expectation.

Source: Akram Ali


6. Reality.



7. Gastronomical pleasure, no less. *Pukes*

Source: Youtube


8. Time travelling skills are strong with this one.


9. Some very enterprising men.


10. This episode of ordinary citizens taking matters into their own hands.

Source: BBC



11. This poor man who couldn’t rest his arm next to a ‘namehram’.


12. When there was a feline emergency.


13. When delays caused tempers to rise


14. When they ran a flight without turning on the air conditioning

“Airline, darwaza khol ke uraani hai kiya?”


15. But let’s just agree that Jemima won the internet by gracefully trolling PIA.

Source: Tumblr