Ah yes, the good old 90’s. The time when your television programming was courtesy of PTV and STN, “hellos” were said by landlines and hand-written letters sent through mail. And everybody had embarrassing email addresses. Let’s not talk about those email addresses.

But on the flipside, parenting was a nightmare. Education was so…dull. And boring. And textbook-oriented. You couldn’t even make cute and embarrassing videos of your baby and have it go viral on YouTube. No, really. HOW COULD YOU NOT? Believe it or not, parenting has gotten MUCH easier over the years. Even the kids today are much more independent and self sufficient than the kids of the 90’s. Here’s how parenting is a breeze, now:


1. Google has the answer to all your parenting questions

Source: Tumblr

Your child’s right eye is freakishly red? Google it. Your baby has a weird rash on his arm? Google a remedy, do it now! Are you feeling too tired after an all-nighter because of your toddler? Just Google some hacks to hide your dark circles. Google has the answer to everything.


2. The internet is a massive learning tool for your children

Source: Giphy 

Kids these days are from the Google era, consuming more and more information, gaining increased exposure. They’re smarter, more independent and know exactly what they want. Even a two year old can make videos and add those scary filters on Snapchat. IT’S INSANE.


3. Applications & Gadgets to help keep track of your kids are abundant

Source: Telenor

From helping new moms maneuver newborns to Facebooking, there’s an app or gadget for everything. There are so many apps which help you track your baby’s growth and provide you answers to questions like what you should be feeding them or what to do if you accidentally drop them.

Case in point: Telenor Companion AKA your child’s guardian angel. With this cool new smartwatch, you can stay connected to your young ones without constantly having to worry where they are or what they’re up to when you’re not around.


4. There are many tools to help your creative little genius

In the 90s, your idea of creativity meant playing “Chirri urri” and “yassu panju haar kabootar doli“. Kids today have the privilege of making their projects using abundant resources and tools. They have the best of both worlds. Not only do they have the luxury of using pastel paints on an empty canvas, they can also sketch with an Apple pencil. It’s sheer MAGIC.


5. You don’t have to wait for your internet connection to dial up anymore


Source: Giphy

Pretty sure it haunted many people in their dreams. And when it finally got connected, the landline would ring and you’d be left cursing your entire existence. Now all you need to help your kid with their math problem is quickly check on the internet and voila!


6. Kids don’t run out to play every chance they get

Source: Tafrehmella

Remember keesh, pitthu garam, baraf paani, chor police, chocolate chocolate? And how kids would’ve run out to their friends to play every chance they got? Kids these days aren’t doing all of that anymore. They’re playing FIFA with a kid sitting across the globe, instead. Socializing has gone to a whole new level. It may not be a healthy thing but it sure does make parenting easier 😛


7. Virtual interaction has brought everyone closer… sort of

Source: Telegraph

Back then, kids didn’t have social media outlets to help them connect with people who had similar interests. So, everyone was pretty much stuck with 6 odd faces for the rest of their lives.

As a parent, you want your child to find their own voice and technology helps with just that. Also, there are a plethora of communities from all over the world that you can connect with and learn how people in other cultures raise their kids.


8.  Connectivity has helped you foster relations even if some of your relatives are on the other side of the planet

Source: Giphy

While previously, your family abroad was as foreign to you as an alien from Mars, with the advent of Skype and video chatting, your kids are closer to their grandparents, and their aunts and they even know what their cousin wore to her high school prom. Technology has worked wonders in shrinking distances.


9. You can teach your kids cultural sensitivity with the click of a button

Source: Beaconhouse Times

Thanks to the digital media, there is more talk about being accepting towards peoples’ choices, shortcomings, natural deficiencies etc. Parents have a lot of help in raising respectful human beings.


10. Thinking of how to feed your kids with “fun” food is easier now

Thanks to the millions of videos going around all over the internet, you can pick out a different dish from any corner of the world to feed your kids every single day.

Source: Giphy


11. Making schedules for your children is super easy

Source: Imgur

Remember how parents thought it was important to figure out what boundaries to set for their children? Home-work time. Television-time. Well now, you can use a bazillion schedulers and calendars online. All you need is to feed in a reminder and forget all about it till the alarm buzzes.


This article is sponsored by Telenor Companion Watch, an innovative wearable product with state of the art technology features. This product will address the needs of parents when it comes to child security and staying connected with them.

Click here to learn more.


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