Most of us, at some point in time, reach that dreaded crossroad when we have to part ways with our best friend. Whether it’s them moving away for school or work or shaadi, it’s never easy to deal with the gaping hole left behind by your BFF’s absence. Brb, crying.

Here are a few things you’ve surely dealt with if you’re in a long distance friendship:


1. You will dial their number to make plans but then realize they’re not in the same city as you anymore.

Source: Showcase Productions

The first thing you deal that happens when you have a long-distance best-friendlationship is the denial. You often find yourself dialing their home number, only to have the cold, harsh truth smack you right in the face.


2. Your most important friend will not be around for important events anymore.

Source: Giphy

The first birthday you spend without your best friend will probably just consist of you sitting in your room, reminiscing, eating cake and maybe, possibly, crying a lot.


3. Time zones will be a problem if your friend is in another country.

Source: Buzzfeed

Friend: “I’ll call you on WhatsApp around 4 pm”

You: “4 pm my time or 4 pm your time?”

A conversation you’ve probably had more often than you’d like to admit.


4. FOMO will be SUPER real.

Source: Giphy

The Fear Of Missing Out is real. You’re constantly feeling like you’re being deprived of all the fun your friend is having without you.

5. You will feel super helpless for not being able to be there for them all the time.

Source: Giphy

Whenever something bad happens in their life, you wish you could be there to fight for them. But, alas, you’re thousands of miles away. Sigh.


6. Messaging apps will be your best friend because they help you both stay in touch.

Source: Giphy


7. But missed video-chat dates will be hard to deal with.

Source: Pinterest

Remember how you both promised to keep in touch by video-chatting 24/7? But then, life got in the way…


8. Social media apps are a pain since they show you how much fun they’re having without you.

Source: Fox 2000 Pictures

Those constant reminders of them going out and about, making friends, going to parties and enjoying themselves… All without you.


9. You may also start feeling jealous over each others’ new friends.

Source: Walt Disney Pictures

We’re grown ups and know that people can make other friends, but does that stop us from getting jealous? NO. Every picture they upload and every story they tell us about them ignites a burning rage within you.


10. When you finally do catch up you will talk for, literally, hours.

Source: Deenga


11. You have woken up to this more than once:

And thought to yourself…has someone died??? Turns out, it’s just your best friend freaking out over her date and you missed giving her all the pep talk.


12. Speaking of dates…you’ve had to deal with this ridiculously ill-timed conversation:

Me: Hey…I think I like him.

Best friend *8 hours later*: Omg, really?

Source: Giphy


13. You’re constantly counting down the days until you get to see them again.

Source: Hum Network Limited

You anxiously count down the months, days and hours until you can be reunited with your best friend.

14. And then, when you’re finally reunited you’ll have SO MANY feelings.

Source: Warner Bros. Television

15. But you’ll always pick up right where you left off.

Source: ARY Films

16. And there will be lots of laughter.

Source: Showcase Productions

It’s so great to sit with them, chai in hand, and talk about all your crazy memories together.

17. And, of course, PRESENTS!

Source: Heyday Films

Call it superficial if you want, we all know that the one thing we look forward to more than our beloved best friend’s face is the bag of gifts they bring with them.

Despite the distance that separates you two, nothing can ever come between you and your best friend. No time-zone is great enough, no continent far enough to tear you two apart.


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