To anyone who grew up in Pakistan, we have seen different kinds of torturous acts on animals. In the grand scheme of politics, human rights, and social conflicts, these animals have never been given much importance to. Very few people think of their rights or their emotions. Animal cruelty is all too prevalent.


The harsh reality is that while we may be witness to animal cruelty on a daily basis there are only a handful of actual cases being addressed or documented.

Only a few people and organizations are seen advocating for animal rights; the fact that the laws still remain outdated and there is a general indifference in peoples’ attitudes towards animal welfare.

Source: Dawn

And then there are cruel ‘customs’ and ‘traditions’ such as fights between animals including roosters, dogs etc.


Also, abusing them in the name of protests and so-called political rivalries is also an unfortunate practice. 

Source: Dawn

Donkeys, especially, suffer on a day-to-day basis. From the heavy load that they have to carry, the constant beating that they have to sustain and the abuse they face during protests.

Another recent act of horrendous animal cruelty has surfaced, where yet again the animal so commonly known as the beast of burden has been tortured brutally.

Source: Facebook Via: ACF

According to the ACF, a donkey was beaten brutally – punched in the face and abdomen several times, nose broken, kicked all over his body with rope marks here – and there and was found helpless by a young man named Abdullah.

Source: Facebook Via; ACF

The donkey was brought in the ACF at 3 am in the morning and they coordinated his rescue all night.

Source: Facebook Via; ACF

This hate crime was directed towards a political party – considering the whole unit an “ass,” as written all over the poor donkey’s body.

The names were blurred out by the ACF since they didn’t want to be involved in the political mess.

Source: Facebook Via ACF

According to the post shared by ACF a while back, these are his injuries:

“The donkey has multiple wounds, all fresh from the beatings, punches, and kicks he endured. The wound near his rear was an old abscess which burst probably when he collapsed. His nostrils have been ripped apart and his face was bleeding from all the wounds.”

Here’s the complete post:

Ever since their post was shared, a lot of Pakistanis have taken to social media to express their disgust at this act.

Armeena Khan, for instance, spoke up about it.

And thanked ACF for saving the donkey.

Others also weighed in on this disgusting act.

People’s disgust knows no bounds.

However, people also thanked ACF.

The video was shared by Innocent Pets Shelter Welfare Society:

This is not the first time that such an act has taken place.

Gadha‘, the Urdu word for donkey, is considered a form of abuse, which is the reason why many protests feature donkeys as a reference to rival political figures or other targets. The creatures are often beaten, spray painted and led through crowds for long hours.


The Senate Standing Committee recently passed a bill titled “The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill, 2018”, which was moved by Senator Karim Ahmed Khawaja.

bill suggested that the fine currently imposed for animal cruelty be increased by folds so people stop such abusive acts. But unfortunately, no part of the bill passed has been implemented.


That is the sad irony of our country. Bills, laws, and statements are passed but not implemented. They stay locked in the rooms and written on papers in closed books never to be opened and read.

It is heart-breaking to see the brutality and inhumane acts that we as a nation have come down to. Humans have no right to decide whose life is more important. We cannot for a second think that our superiority gives us the ticket to torture animals. We are not as important or indispensable as we think we are, and it is time to let go of our ego and show a bit of empathy.



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Cover image via ACF Animal Rescue/Facebook