Something big just happened in Velayat, and while a lot of people have opinions about it, not a lot of them really understand what it actually is.

Well for one, the United Kingdom (pronounced: Ing-laaaand) has voted to leave the European Union (No, England and Europe are not the same thing). This is a huge blow to both the British economy as well as the EU, not to forgot the rest of the world too.


But why is it called Brexit?

Brexit is basically British Exit. Quite a ridiculous name, but hey, it worked.

Source: Toby Melville/Reuters Via: BBC


Theek hai, but why did it happen?

Britain and the EU were like Pakistani aunties. Now imagine if one auntie has to host all the kitty parties, naraz tou hogi na? Wouldn’t she want to leave? Well that’s exactly what the UK felt was happening with them. They felt like they were giving so much to the EU financially but were hardly getting anything in return (can we remind them about the visa-free entry to places like Paris, Amsterdam, Prague and whatnot?).


But this “exit” was brewing since the Greek Debt Crisis

Ab ye kya hai? Well, Greece ran out of money and asked all its foreign walay bhai for money. Surprise surprise, the citizens of the UK were not happy about paying off the debts of another country but still the proposed ‘help’ package was implemented.

A lot of people thought that the UK would vote ‘Stay’ (or otherwise known as Bremain, we’ll give you a second to let that sink in), and people were not prepared to see the exit vote win. Even poor Cameron Bhai. He now announced that he will leave his kursi because his side didn’t win in the referendum.

Source: The Telegraph


In the midst of all this madness, this guy is asking the right question

So, here’s the thing, as a Pakistani while it technically doesn’t affect you as much, as a world citizen, though, the effects of the Brexit will be felt by you and those around you. Whatever happens with the relationship between the UK an European Union, going forward, will affect everyone, including Pakistanis.

If the EU breaks down, as there is a high possibility with Marine Le Pen, the leader of National Front, a conservative party in France, calling for similar referendum across all EU member states, there will be serious consequences for those residing in the EU and for countries with diplomatic relations with the EU.


The Pound Sterling and The FTSE have fallen tremendously

With so much uncertainty in the global economy at the moment its hard to say what exactly will happen to Pakistan. But the ripple effects of this massive economic shock will surely reach our economy, considering how fragile it is.

However the most prominent effect will be British Imports (foreign goods coming in) will become more expensive. Ae lo, Pakistani aam ab wahan par zyada mehnga hogaya! Lekin British exports sasti hojae gi. Not China cheap, though 😛


Oh haan, it might effect those with offshore companies.


The colonized world i.e. two-thirds of countries today, reminisced of when they opted for #Brexit


Bartaniya ko apne duaon mein yaad rakhein

Cover Image via: Stepfeed

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