Welcome back to life friends! With Ramazan ending and the happy holidays of Eid past us, we are all back at our busy jobs and hectic life schedules.

Let’s be real, I have been falling asleep every 3 minutes, and yup, you guessed it! We here at MangoBaaz are back to work back to normal timings. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was chai, and writing this piece. So, without further ado and for your lazy Monday funsies, here are all of the struggles of going back to work after Ramazan.


1. You’re really tired after all that Eid socializing

Yep, you guessed it. Going back to work after Ramazan is a struggle completely in itself. Even the mere thought of having to be productive all day and functioning as a normal human being is EXHAUSTING.


2. Trying to stay awake and focused while working is a challenge

As I said, I have been falling asleep every 3 minutes and I am not exaggerating, I am timing.


3. Waking up in the morning is still a trouble because your body clock has not gone back to normal

Honestly, I think we should petition to make a normal working day start at 12 PM…or 1 PM…6….. Okay so clearly, that’s the sleepies talking. Having to wake up and actually GET OUT OF BED at 9 AM!?!

Via Tumblr

4. Keeping yourself from being distracted is impossible

Currently not successful at this because so far I have been binge-watching movie trailers all day.


5. You still feel weird eating at lunchtime

Okay so, you would think after a month of fasting, this would be easy to do. But quite the contrary, getting back to the routine of things has been hard and that includes eating properly on a proper schedule.


6. Your sleep time is still F*CKED

Speaking of getting into the routine of things, work requires productivity. What keeps you productive? A proper sleep routine. I am guessing that like me, most of you may have had some trouble sleeping at a normal time these past few days? Some of us may even still be eating at Sehri time unconsciously? Yep, that means we’ve got to get our sleep schedules in order.

Source: Ali Rush / YouTube


7. You still forget to drink water

itni garmi mein it’s important to stay hydrated.


8. You keep constantly looking at the clock and seeing it not move. at. all.

The first day back is the worst. Especially since we have normal timings again, sitting around waiting for hours to go by can be pretty frustrating. Not to mention the fact that you probably have a pile of things to get done, which you can’t get done because of your overall sluggishness.


9. Work that takes you usually 15 minutes to complete will now take 6 hours.

Somehow every click, every sentence, and every task that could be done with your eyes closed will now be like you’re starting from scratch. How do you hold a pencil again?

Via Tumblr

10. Monday may have been off, but this will seem like the longest week in the world.

DON’T trust what people say about short weeks. They are a lie wrapped in a pretty promise of shorter deadlines, lack of work and productivity.


11. Dealing with productive people at work irritates you



12. You miss the ronak of Ramazan

You might whine about being hungry or sleepy all the time but the whole world seems to move at such a beautiful pace and the feeling of community is just perfect in Ramazan.

Via Tumblr

13. You remember that you have to do all of this again tomorrow

And the next day, and the next day, and the next day.

Having any other issues being back at work? Can’t be productive? Wanna order in food and be lazy? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.


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Cover image via samaa.tv