Ayyan Ali wants everyone to know what really happened.

Model and singer Ayyan Ali was caught trying to smuggle about half a million dollars from Pakistan to Dubai in 2015.

Source: pinterest.com

She has since then been embroiled in a legal mess and is constantly trying to keep herself out of jail. Her name was even put on the exit control list and was only removed from it earlier this year. However, ever since she was caught smuggling the huge amount and pleaded guilty, she has not worked in the entertainment or modeling industry and thus these trails and charges have negatively affected her career.

She was used as the butt of many jokes and it seems like she has now had enough of how she has been treated and villanized constantly for the last so many years.

Source: Dawn.com

Ayyan took to Instagram to clear the air and unburden herself. She wrote about how she was going to get a fresh start for herself and all her current legal cases by getting new legal representation. And she also stated that she will be answering everyone’s questions about this whole sorry mess.

She even pointed out that there is a video of her at the Islamabad airport prior to her flight and right before she was detained and charged for smuggling money. And in the video, Ayyan reminds everyone she is not alone, accompanying her are the personal assistant for former President Asif Ali Zardari and Rehman Malik’s brother. However, she also points out that they were never charged and their names were not even mentioned in the FIR made against her.

Source: @ayyanworld via Instagram.com

And it seems like Ayyan is tired of being pinned as the mastermind behind this plan of smuggling and wants to clear her name once and for all.

She even says that she and her personal life have never harmed the country and she does not understand why she was the only one from that incident who was investigated while the other two men went back to their lives as nothing had happened.

Source: @ayyanworld via Instagram.com

It’s clear that Ayyan has had enough of her name being dragged through the mud and wants to clear the air and her name in the process.

What do you think about Ayyan’s claims? Let us know in the comments!

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Cover Image Source: Dunya News/@ayyanword via Instagram.com