So as we all know, there are guys who are naturally smooth when it comes to the ladies. And then there are guys who have no clue. Assuming you’re the latter – don’t panic! We have the perfect (potential) relationship advice for you. Just remember: you’re not alone and definitely not the first guy who gets his tongue twisted when he talks to his crush. It’s natural to feel this way.

Here are some tips to help you get noticed by that special someone.

1. Dress well and be well-groomed

source: Bays & Thomas Productions

You guys talk and you guys hang out with a bunch of friends every now and then. How do you get her to pay attention to you? The key is to dress nice and smell nice. Many girls will admit that they instantly find a guy more attractive if he smells nice. Grooming may not be on your priority list but guys, I will ask you to reconsider.

2. Be well-mannered and confident


Confidence does not mean that you don’t respect her personal space. If she doesn’t respond well, then back off. But confidence does mean having the guts to approach her and make eye contact when you talk to her. Don’t use social media to talk to girls from your university. This is often creepy and also the opposite of being confident.

3. You should listen but you should also speak

source: Justin Roiland’s Solo Vanity

Girl’s love to talk but at the same time, they like someone who can carry a conversation with them. Guys, I can’t stress this enough that you should always respond to her stories and rants. You should also tell her your stories and rants as well, this will help bring you both closer to one another.

4. Have your own life


If you’re always with her or talking to her then she wouldn’t have time to miss you or daydream about you (cheesy, but true.) Doing your own thing will give you guys more to talk about and it will help keep some mystery and that’s never a bad thing.

5. Make her laugh

source: Apatow productions

Never underestimate the importance of a good sense of humor. A good sense of humor is interpreted as intelligence by most girls. This might be hard for some guys, but try to be your own kind of funny. Her laughter will make her more comfortable with you.

6. Flirt, but be subtle

source: Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions

You want her to know you have a romantic interest in mind. Drop subtle hints. If she says ‘thank you’. Respond with something like ‘anything for you’ this will let her know that she is special to you.

7. Be the friend her friends like

source: Nickelodeon

It’s like an unwritten rule among girls. If their friends don’t like you, then they will always tell her not to date you. There may be exceptions to this rule. But never underestimate the best friend’s approval. So be nice to her friends. Help them out. Be the guy they want their friend to be with.

8. Stay in shape

Let’s be 100% real – looking good while making the effort won’t hurt you. While it’s great to work on your personality, physical aspect bhi yaad rakhna hota hai. Hit the gym. Eat healthy. Be your best self. I promise you, she will notice. And your body will thank you.

9. Make some memories

source: Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions

Find an excuse to take her out. And when you do, always choose a nice place. Something that interests her. This way she has a good time, eats her favorite meal, and then later thinks about the nice evening she had with you.

10. Remember the things she tells you

source: Chuck Lorre Productions

This instantly makes a girl smile. When you remember all her little rants and jokes, it makes her feel appreciated and cared for. It makes her trust you more.

11. Show off your talents

source: 20th-century fox television

If you play an instrument you should play it and if you write poems, show them to her. But be subtle. Don’t impose any of your qualities or talents on her. Show them off when you can. Your uniqueness and talents are what will make you stand apart from the crowd.

Well, I guess that’s that. I hope these tips will make your dating life a bit easier. We all know how tough and embarrassing these situations can get. If any of you guys and gals have some tips, please share them in the comments.


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Cover image via 7th Sky Entertainment