The dreaded CIE Results day is here. The day your future is made. Screw up, and that’s it, you’re done for, you have officially failed in life. Okay, just kidding that isn’t true AT ALL. Trust us, guys. This is SO NOT the end of your lives.

All summer you lived in denial but here it is, the day is here. Those days of going to academies after school, the all night studying and the past paper practice have lead to this moment. This day has a lot of phases, loads of ups and downs (mostly downs) and here is a detailed explained of what is going to happen to you:


You probably haven’t gotten a lot of sleep

Going to sleep on the eve of result day? LOL! If this is your first CIE result you definitely had a very tense night indeed. You may have even considered going through those ‘leaked’ marking schemes for your papers. And worst of all, even if you fell asleep you’d be dreaming about the dreaded grades.

Source: Facebook


Parents and their sly comments

Wake up in the morning to your parents trying to be all funny and saying stuff like, ‘Hmm… aaj result aye ga! Kisi ki shaamat hogi ke nahin‘. Why must they add to the pressure upon your already frail self confidence.

Source: Facebook


Siblings have their fun too

Older siblings will definitely pick on you. They’ll tell you tales of that one guy in their grade who got all U’s and now lives a miserable life. Not to fret, these stories are usually made up. Block out the noise and move on.

Source: Deenga


Some of your friends will be at school super early

Randomly one of your friends will call at 8AM screaming into the phone saying ‘RESULT AA GAYA!!’. Clearly someone’s excited about this moment. You, on the other hand, want to delay seeing that sheet of paper that apparently either sets you up for life or ruins you.

Source: Facebook


You start getting messages like this


The server crashes

If you go to one of those schools that does the fancy shmancy online CIE result thingy then you’ll know that its of no use. Like all years before this one, the server will crash, you’ll have to call your driver Sher Khan and then go to school to get your result. Ugh, CIEs are the worst.


Finally, the moment arrives

All day long your heart was going flutter flutter, for all the wrong reasons. Sweaty palms, scratch that, just general sweaty-ness all over the place. Sher Khan takes that final turn towards the school and you could have a cardiac arrest any moment.


And then… the moment of truth

You walk into your school. Heart pounding. Your entire life is flashing before your eyes. You have trouble even saying your name. It feels like forever when the teacher on duty is filing through papers for your future, uh I mean grades. Then she finally says, ‘Ah ye raha tumhara result!’ Worst thing is the little peak she takes at a result and then gives it a nod of approval (or not, considering on your luck). You slowly turn the paper towards yourself and open your eyes to face your greatest fear.

Source: Facebook


And then you react…

Yup, all that drama was for nothing! Now go and enjoy the few days of holidays you have left.

PS, it actually is.


In a few year’s time you’ll look back at this day and laugh at how stupidly nervous you were.

Take consolation from this champion:


How did your results go?

Cover Image via: hindustan times