Let’s face it – being a parent is usually a thankless commitment made to a bunch of individuals who may or may not appreciate you when the time is right.

Source: Dharma Productions Via BuzzFeed

Not only do you have a bunch of children relying on you, you have to deal with their tantrums and meet their demands – all while loving them unconditionally. And we all know countless desi parents who do so with awe-inspiring brilliance. Sure, they may slip up sometimes. They’re human, after all. But they do a lot more for us than we truly realize.

Which is exactly why the following tweet by a Twitter user, @hanxine…


…was followed up by THIS adorable tweet by another Twitter user, @KalyaniAdhav. 

Now, let’s back up here a little bit. Sure, we sometimes share a love-hate relationship with our parents. Tough love is always a part of the deal. They often say no, because they’ve got our best interests in mind. Or so they believe. And we may not realize it then, but we kinda sorta become our parents eventually, because we see the logic in what they did and why they did it. Which is why writing off all that love and attention as a refusal wouldn’t exactly make a lot of sense.

Other Twitter users seemed to agree with this train of thought. They appreciated the sentiment behind Kalyani’s tweet…

…blessing her for the very same.

While there were some who disagreed with Kalyani…

…she was quick to combat the criticism, defending parents and their immense pyaar.

However, others were pretty much on board with what she had to say.

And they even considered the tweet to be really sweet.


Others decided to share their personal experiences.

And while some believed that their gestures were tiny…


…they were reminded that it’s the thought that counts, especially when it comes to desi parents. 

A desi parent even stepped in and adorably agreed with Kalyani.

And others kept appreciating Kalyani for being a voice for our parents.

Undoubtedly, many of our parents do a lot more for us than we truly deserve. And in our selfishness, we forget to appreciate them and thank them fully for all the sacrifices they make for us. It’s easy to overlook the sleepless nights they spend by our bedside, worrying for our health or being concerned over whether we’re well-fed and content. However, to fully appreciate and empathize with our parents, we must keep all kinds of gestures in mind.

Do you have anything to add to this? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.