Facebook and Instagram, sister social media platforms and addiction of many a people around the world are experiencing an outage in many parts of the world. If you’re one of them, don’t worry. You’re not alone.


Update: Facebook has confirmed the outage


Multiple users have been experiencing a “Service Unavailable” error message when trying to load the site while for Instagram is experiencing similar outages.

Source: @matticus_ / Twitter


It has been reported that the outage is being experienced predominantly in the UK, Europe and East Coast of the United States but other parts of the world are also experiencing service issues.


People have been panicking around the world at the news



For many addicts of social media, particularly Facebook and Instagram, it’s nothing short of apocalypse



While many are turning to Twitter in desperate times



Others are trying to reach the websites’ customer service for answers but to no avail


Are you experiencing difficulties with Facebook and Instagram? Let us know where you live in the comments below.


This is a developing story


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