No matter where you hide, or what you do; there is no escaping the flu. Once you catch this horrible little virus, the world you know automatically turns into a dark, wet, tired mess and all you want to do is curl up into fetal position and cry until it goes away.

Here are a few things everyone who ever had flu can relate to:


1.  You think discomfort in your throat is just an itch that will go away

But it’s actually a warning of what’s about to come. You pray with all your heart that this itch never turns into a full blown sore throat.


2. When that itch doesn’t go away, you try some totkay just in case (still in denial)

You listen to your ami‘s advice and do salt water gargles and drink johar jushanda, but you know, you know the storm ahead is unstoppable.

Source: Tumblr


3. That itch finally turns into something more and your throat feels like you swallowed a cactus

You can’t eat, talk, sleep or do anything because the discomfort in your throat and the pain is CONSUMING you.

Source: Strepsils Pakistan/


4. As soon as the throat pain subsides, water works begin

You wonder how can a nose so small hold this much fluid? You are leaking and it’s disgusting.



5. Your start living in a pool of tissues

You realize what a beautiful creation of mankind are tissues and how you would have drowned in your own flu if it hadn’t been for them.

Source: reactiongifs,com


6. You are amazed at your own ability to sneeze this hard 100 times per minute

Source: Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures


7. You feel so awful and you wonder why there’s not a universal rule to stay in bed and rest as long as you have the flu

But you have to function, no matter how badly your nose is leaking, how your sneezes have shaken your very existence, how badly it feels like a thousand years of tiredness broke down on you all at once, you gotta keep on hustling.

Source: bumpbirthandbeyond/


8. Anything warm makes you feel like … mmmm….

It soothes you to the core.



9. When you lose the sense of taste and remember the times when you took it for granted



10. Your voice becomes different and you can’t decide if you like it or hate it

You wonder if this voice stays, maybe you can audition for Coke Studio season 10?



11. You curse the modern world that still hasn’t come up with a cure for flu

How can a world that’s almost found a cure for HIV still not have found a way to make us stop coughing!?!



12. You know someone will be a victim to your germs so you try not to harm anyone

No matter how hard you try not to sneeze all over someone’s face, infecting someone is inevitable. And then your friends and family members make you feel like you did it on purpose.

Source: sheialanipov/


13. But then you begin to feel alive again, when that one side of your nose unblocks

And you do feel bad for that friend or family member, who couldn’t save him/herself from you, but YOU… you finally see the light and you can breathe again.

Source: pakistanigifworld/


You’ve made it, friend. Hang in there, if you’re still suffering from it. You can do it.


13 Things Anyone Who Falls Sick Very Easily Will Find Absolutely Relatable


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