Hamza Ali Abbasi is butting into the Trump-Imran twitter argument!


Recently the American President, Donald Trump, expressed his views on Pakistan.

Source: The Atlantic

According to him, Pakistan used American aid money to fight terrorism but ended up NOT doing so. 

He said that the Pakistani government did nothing to help the Americans fight terrorism. He went on to say that Pakistan has given the US nothing in return for their ‘help’ since then. The President had said all of this during a TV interview, which caused quite the uproar (and rightly so) in Pakistan.

Our Prime Minister, Imran Khan, didn’t let this statement by Trump go by so easily and hit back.

He called American aid minuscule AND put it in inverted commas! INVERTED COMMAS.

The human cost of the war is too high to ever justify, as people have given up so much.

Then people like Trump come in and give such statements that are disrespectful and RUDE.



Go PM, that’s our PM.

Trump, in his usual way of dealing with things, decided to respond on Twitter, because apparently, this is what diplomacy looks like in 2018. 


This isn’t the first time the American administration has looked at Pakistan with doubt about our ‘intentions’, and usually the response for the Pakistani side has been weak. For the first time, we have responded to the US in a proper manner, not letting them walk all over us as our efforts and our sacrifices went into a war we were forced to fight.

Now, while we all might be celebrating that we as a nation have finally after many years given the US a proper response, there is one man who couldn’t be happier. 

That man is Hamza Ali Abbasi, the ultimate PTI fanboy!

Imran Khan kuch bhi karle, he’ll be over the moon. Understandably, when the Prime Minister gave his retort, he decided to join in the twitter banter


Actually, he full on butted himself into the conversation


Again, what both Imran Khan and Hamza Ali Abbasi are saying isn’t wrong. The cost that Pakistan has had to incur due to the war is immense. Pakistan has given up its resources and time to fight the war on terror, with great costs to itself.

Yes, the fight shouldn’t have really been going on social media, but the statement on the side of the American President was far from perfect. We know the costs and the sacrifices we have given as a nation for this war. It’s absolutely ridiculous that we have to keep justifying our actions and keep counting our dead, just to prove to the world that we’re on their side, fighting the good fight (most of the time, fighting it on their behalf)

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Cover photo source: The Atlantic/Dawn/The Daily Times