These Punjabis are going to get their hearts really, really broken in a minute’s time. They were expecting so much but once they find out the truth these poor folks will have nothing but their ordinary lives to go back to. So what is going to break their hearts, you ask? Good question.


So here’s why these poor Punjabis are going to be heartbroken

Earlier today there was an announcement that Punjab Government, under the Basant Committee had allowed for the festival of Basant to be revived, “in certain parts of Punjab”, according to the Punjab Education Minister Rana Mashood.


And naturally, everyone was overjoyed about this “news”


This one even went as far as to say that the usually “conservative” PML-N led Punjab Government was becoming liberal because of this announcement

Some people were not so keen about kites returning to the skies of Punjab


They were concerned about the safety of young children, due to the chemical laced dor that has caused many a slit throats in the past


But overall, people were really happy


Even those outside of Pakistan were getting jealous of the return of Basant to Punjab

Many news channels picked up the story and hailed the step



But then…

The official Twitter account of the Government of Punjab tweeted this statement, denying any approval of the festival.

Dunya News stated that Punjab Education Minister Rana Mashood, who had earlier given the statement that Basant will be celebrated in Punjab, said that his statement regarding Basant was misquoted by the media.


So, we’re basically back to square one, guys. Rana Mashood is sorry for all the excitement that was for nothing, in the end.