Hey guys, aisay nahi lag raha ke sardi hai ke aa he nahi rahi? Haina? Yup, humain bhe. But at least I’m back again to tell you how chilly or warm the week between November 5th to November 11th is going to be for you, as per your horoscope.

Let’s get right into it.


Source: WingNut Films

Wow, your stars are totally pointing towards a new adventure or an important assignment for this week. We know, we know that you have done your due diligence on this venture very carefully. Things look promising as well. Court, kachehri ke chakkar laganay ka bhe acha time hai – hence, don’t hesitate to sue someone (Just kidding). THAT important conversation that you have been meaning to have with a certain person born under the star sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio? Yeah, this is the right time to have it. Himmat kerain and get it done and over with.

This week will also bring some surprises for you, especially from within your close buddies. Someone’s strange behavior might be the reason for this unexpected event. You are likely to get a chance to meet new people, that too in unexpected places and circumstances. Jeez, people, so much is happening in one week! As far as your personal life is concerned, an unpleasant event or encounter might force you and your partner to develop mistrust and ill feelings towards each other. Try to avoid being a part of gossip or unnecessary comments about someone else which might impact your love life. Good luck!


Source: ABC

People born under the headstrong sign of the bull, try to keep your expectations down for the coming week so that if things don’t go your way, you don’t blow yourself and the situation out of proportion. Since this seems to be a special week for you and luck seems to be on your side, we would advise you to keep your crazy, charging emotions in check if you don’t want any more drama in your life.

Other than that, this week seems to be good in terms of your family commitments and affairs, especially if you are in the middle of a family drama or endless gillay shikway and problems (We all have ’em. Don’t we?). Marriage seems to be in your good cards this week, even though chotay motay maslay possible hain, but voh kahan nahi hotay bhai? Be careful with your money if you plan to travel. If you are expecting money from somewhere, chances are that you won’t get access to it this week.


Source: Warner Bros Studios

Gemini peeps; this is the week to focus on the things that actually matter. Your family, your children, your home, the house you live in and your financial health. Come to think of it, all these things are interconnected and if one fucks up, they all become a part of a ripple effect. So make sure you focus fully on them. You might have to help a young male with a problem that he is going through. Good, this is a chance for you to make a positive impact in someone’s life. Also, that document that you have been expecting to receive, yeah, chances are you won’t – at least not this week.

Your personal life might be a source of stress for you this week as you feel anxious with the way things are progressing. There is a chance that you might receive unpleasant news about an incident that happened a long time ago – Hmm, we wonder what it could be. Any health problems that you feel should be immediately addressed.


Source: Tumblr

If you happen to belong to the star sign of the crab, this week will be about costs that you haven’t planned out. This might upset your family budget and cause you some anxiety, but chaddo yaar, paisay he hain, aur aa jain gay. Just remember, that from this point onwards, you need to be extra careful with money, your financial belongings and your bank information.

This week will bring a bigger reason for you to feel anxious. The reason is that you may or may not be used as a pawn in someone games to exploit other people. You probably won’t even realize but you might just be used by a certain person for their own motives. Best thing is to step yourself aside and ask yourself questions to keep your conscience clear. Good luck!


Source: Tumblr

If you’re a Leo, this week kicks off at a high note for you as you will be able to solve your domestic problems this week. This week is the perfect time to find solutions to a problem that has been pending for a long time now. This week is going to be about meeting new people and exploring new opportunities for your personal and professional relationships. In this regard, the most important people will belong to the star signs of are Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. As you know, your character is rather sensitive, and for this reason, you should try not to avoid the mistakes that you make. Own up to your insecurities and shortcomings and you will come out shining (Even though you might feel the opposite). Professionally, you might be exposed to some problems, but don’t worry, these will be resolved rather quickly. A plan for holidays looks like a possibility if you plan and prepare yourself well in advance. Send us a postcard!


Source: Tumblr

All you Virgos will come face to face with a week that will give you a chance to experience some peace after you have faced anxiety or adversity in your family or home. After a long time of stress and effort, it seems like you will finally be able to feel at peace since the pieces of this complex and painful puzzle are finally falling together. A family reunion is what you need at the moment because that seems to be your new happy place. We can promise you that before you is a week which is going to be very fruitful, only if you are able to keep your emotions and impulsive reactions to things in control.

Joy or sadness will depend entirely on you this week. If you want to be happy, play smart and safe. An unpleasant document or official commitment will keep you busy during the week – just do your best and get it done and over with yaar. Romantic relationships look conducive with a person who is living far away from you. A trip together or a meeting halfway will surely bring you and your partner the joy you have been waiting to feel.


Source: Deedle-Dee Productions

Dear Libras, this is the week in which you will experience higher kharcha which you will feel to be entirely unnecessary later. This is going to be the primary reason for the stress and tension in your personal relationships this week. Bhai kharcha control kerrain and khushaal zindagi jeeain. Following your extravagant kharchay, you will probably be averse to any further financial commitments, promises or agreements. On the whole, this week is going to bring many dynamic and interesting opportunities for you.

You will have a chance to realize success and self-growth, only if you will be able to call quick shots on the situations you are in. Hmm, risqué. Good news is that you will have a chance to earn some extra bucks through a short assignment. An important event that involves a certain female looks positive in the cards. There might also be some news that will potentially make you sad and down. But remember to just keep swimming.


Source: Tumblr

People born under the star sign of Scorpio must avoid interacting with people, especially regarding important family matters, who they do not know well enough. These people are just bystanders and add fuel to the fire instead of extinguishing it. Leave any family property matter for a later date in time because discussions at the moment do not look conducive. You must be careful about dealing with people who are born under the signs of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus as they will not help your situation. Young Scorpio men should avoid traveling this week as it is going to be problematic. When driving, or traveling in general, do remember to keep your eyes on the road and follow all the rules.

A certain man from the family or circle of friends will prove to be a good shoulder to cry on. Use him and get your emotional health up and running. Problems at work are also possible due to some people trying to sabotage your success – No need to get into conflicts, just ignore them. On the whole, this week will be a stressful one and the anxiety of this will reflect into your relationships. Good luck.


Source: ABC

If you are a Sagittarius, be happy and joyful as this week will start off with some wonderful surprises coming your way. May luck be on your side so you can soar higher and feel like your stars are in the right place at the right time. But don’t be too happy because you know that just like everything else, happiness too doesn’t last forever so you need to constantly make the most out of these chances for happiness that you get. There is a chance to receive some news related to a certain person who might belong to the star sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. During the week, there might be chances to earn some extra bucks from a certain woman – kon hai bhei yeh? Humay bhe milwa dena. 


Source: Tumblr

Capricorn people, this week starts off good in terms of the material aspect of your life. Samajh nai ayi? What we mean is that, that new shirt or that new house that you bought? Yeah, you made the right choice and it is finally going to be yours. An award or recognition that you have been waiting for finally seems to be coming in your arms reach – Congratulations in advance, bet you worked your ass for it. This week seems like success is the only way to go for you. Legal matters or pending cases related to property seem to be getting solved this week – buying and selling property also seems very lucrative for you.

For any financial advice, your family is the best people to turn to as they are your people and your well-wishers. Don’t hesitate to take their advice in any financial problems that you might face this week. Those involved in a romantic relationship, there is a chance that there might be a misunderstanding or ugly confrontation between you two. Remember, patience and compromises are two very powerful tools in any relationship. Good luck!


Source: Red Granite Pictures

Aquarius peeps, important conversations related to your career and work are going to kick-start your week into mid-November. A possible offer to start a business with your friends looks lucrative for the short term – and either way, it won’t last that long. During the course of the week, you might be taken aback by the revelation of a dramatic separation in the life of a loved one. You need to be there for this person and help them through the trauma. The week looks good for traveling and trips, although the whole plan might materialize with great difficulty. New opportunities are a possibility for young Aquarius women, but for that to happen, they will have to forgo the ideas that they are stuck on at the moment.


Source: Tumblr

If you are a water baby, this week will be about absorbing and shielding yourself from the gossip and drama that is going to surround your marital or love relationship. The perpetrators who will cause this stress will most likely be your relatives, friends or even neighbors. The way things are presented to the world about you is what will be something you will have to keep tabs on. Avoid taking any hasty decisions if you have been a part of a long-standing law suit. Just keep yourself calm and don’t take unnecessary stress. Financial matters look good for you this week and paison ki rail pail nazar aa rahi hai. Give us some too.

What’s your week looking like, folks? Let us know in the comments below!


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