International Transgender Visibility Day is an annual event that occurs on the 31st of March.

It’s dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness around the discrimination faced by the community. The holiday is not necessarily observed in Pakistan but many organizations make the effort of arranging events which highlight and talk about some of the key issues which affect transgenders in Pakistan, thereby looking for a way forward.


Back home, the transgender community in Pakistan has come a long way.

It is no secret that the general population sees them as sub-human and thinks that they can treat them in any manner they like. The constitutional privileges that an average Pakistani has are not enjoyed by the transgender community.

However, in the last couple of years, we have witnessed major leaps forward.

Recently, they have managed to get the Trans Bill passed in the Senate, which asks for all the basic human rights guaranteed to every other individual as per the constitution of Pakistan

This will involve working on all the official forms as well to recognize the third gender.

Their member, Maaviya Malik, was able to break the barriers of the society and become the first trans newscaster in Pakistan.

This news alone was able to shake the country and was picked up by the international media as well. For a transgender to be given this opportunity is huge in Pakistan, and people are nothing but proud of her.

The “Acceptance Project” is also an ongoing initiative.

One of the aspects of granting them equal rights also includes the sensitization of the community. They need to know, if not understand, the issues that they have to deal with. Only then will attitudes change.

Under this project, the idea is to help people understand the lives of the trans community in Pakistan. Their main aim is to create empathy and also push people to respect the trans community despite not being able to understand them or their lives.

The induction of the trans community in the Prime Minister Youth Development Program is a huge milestone.

On this Trans Visibility Day, we decided to get in touch with a few organizations working specifically for the rights of the transgender community.

1. Khawaja Sira Society (KSS)

The Khawaja Sira Society is working diligently day and night to end discrimination against transgenders. The name of the society itself shows how they want to change the narrative around transgenders. The term “Khawaja Sira” is a respectable term and it is precisely how they should be referred to.

Sobo Malik from the KSS was kind enough to answer a few questions for me.

When asked about the laws being passed to recognize transgenders in Pakistan over the past 2-3 years and whether they’ve improved lives, this was the reply:

“While the official recognition has improved, for example, the recognition of the third gender on the NIC, this does not necessarily mean that things have improved overall. The official documents of the state – be it Hajj applications, job applications or any other forms for instance – do not have the option of a third gender. This creates a lot of problems for us.”

Via: Facebook

2. Haath Barhao

Haath Barhao is another such organization working towards the financial emancipation of Pakistan’s transgender community through skill teaching and provision of respectable employment opportunities.

I got in touch with their representatives and asked them a few questions about the trans community and why it is important to celebrate the Trans Visibility Day in Pakistan.

“Trans Visibility Day is being celebrated by us to let everyone know that it is okay to be trans, to highlight their problems and the discrimination faced by them. We have only just started the journey to grant them equal rights. Despite the laws being passed, there is still no respect for their bodies, their rights or the acknowledgment of their capacities or skills. People are not ready to give them opportunities even if they have skills.”

3. Trans Action Pakistan

Trans Action Pakistan is another platform dedicated to the issues of the trans community in Pakistan. For this Trans Visibility Day, they have planned the launch of their election manifesto.

This involves putting issues of trans community in the political agenda of the upcoming elections. They are demanding equal representation, formulation of policies at both federal and provincial level, and ensuring equal rights.

Trans Visibility Day is a reminder of how much we need to participate in ensuring that trans community has an equal opportunity at leading a stable life in Pakistan.

The most important thing is the sensitization of the people. If they understand the importance of treating each human being with respect, life will be better for trans people in Pakistan. So step out of the comfort zone of your homes that day and participate in any manner possible to showcase inclusivity and acceptance.

Over time we have realized that empowering transgenders in isolation is not the way to go about things. They might be empowered in isolation but that does not guarantee the sensitization of the masses. Empowerment should never be in isolation.

So, on this day, reach out to them and ensure that your actions represent acceptance. They are very much a part of this society as we are and deserve all the rights which we enjoy!